一些准备BQ (behavioral questions)的资源,附samples

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-仔细读JD,总结出来职位要求的soft skills (communication, time management, teamwork, attention to detail, analytical thinking, prioritizing, problem solving, etc)
-每个skill下面列出2个sample question (不需要太多因为基本换汤不换药)
-去Google / YouTube 搜sample answer (我比较喜欢后者因为有视频可以模仿说话的语调)
-把自己工作 / 在学校碰到的scenario揉进sample answer(STAR模型,介绍在这indeed.com
-所有的问题和答案总结成一个doc,列出key points或者详细的回答-Practice talking through your answers out loud (一定要练熟,面试的时候不要让面试官听起来你在背答案)

  • 125 Common Interview Questions and Answers (With Tips)
  • 有LinkedIn Premium的可以Google linkedin interview questions,里面有很多sample QA (建议在找工期间可以开Premium,有一些内容还是有用的)
  • YouTube Chanel
- Linda Raynier: 讲话很温和,语音语调我都喜欢。会提供很多BQ问题的examples,最重要的是会对整个面试宏观层面提出一些建议。我喜欢这个博主一是因为她的sample answer很好,二是她的一些视频会帮我 在面试前搞好心态。下面这些视频供参考。
How to be Confident in Interviews
How to Make Interviewers See You as the Right “Fit” for the Job - 5 Tips
Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years? - Ideal Sample Answer (这个和我之前找的sample answer都不太一样,但是我觉得说的很有道理,这一波跳槽都用的这个)
- Work It Daily: 看的第二多的博主,找工作期间我每天都会去看看,找找感觉,下面这个视频对我最有用
8 Smart Questions To Ask Hiring Managers In A Job Interview (提出了4C原则:connect,culture,challenges,close,每个下面是2个sample questions)
- Self Made Millennial:这个风格博主讲话很夸张,讲的内容基本和前两个博主一样,但是视频做的比较有意思,很生动。我看她的视频主要是想被她的那种energy感染一下,用到面试里。但是听多了脑袋会有点疼。。。

  1. 我之前准备BQ的时候还参考了地里面这个帖子instant.1point3acres.cn
  2. 尽量让BQ成为一个two-way的conversation;
  3. 个人感觉面试的时候心态非常重要:
真的不要过度重视面试,过度重视很容易导致患得患失(楼主之前面试前一周都吃不好睡不好,结果面试结果也不好,后来干脆放开了,努力准备就完事儿了,挂就挂,继续找就是了),所以一定放松心态; 充分准备,紧张的很大原因是准备不充分,准备充足基本不用紧张了,面试官有时候比面试人还紧张;

Sample BQ questions for reference:

Problem Solving
Describe a time when you solved a problem and how you came up with solution.
Give me an example of a time when you used good judgment / logic to solve a problem.
Decision Making
Tell me about a difficult decision you've made in the last year.
Give an example of a time in which you had to be relatively quick in coming to a decision.
Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.
Give me an example of when you showed imitative and took the lead.
With examples, convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations and environments.
Describe a time when the scope or parameters of what you were working on changed mid-way through.
Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.
Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.
Conflict Management
Tell me about a time when you had conflict with someone in authority and how you handled it.
Give an example of when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with.
Give me an example of time when you set a goal and were able to meet or achieve it.
Tell me about an accomplishment that you were proud of?
Tell me about a situation when you lead a group of people to achieve a goal.
Tell me about a time when you delegated a project effectively.
Tell me about an occasion when you worked with a group to complete a project.
Describe how you were able to successfully contribute to a multi-interdisciplinary team.
Stress Management
Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping skills.
Tell me about a situation in which you had to deal with a very upset client.
Technical Expertise
Tell me about a time you were effective in putting your technical expertise to use to solve a problem.
Describe a time where you were required to use a certain technology that you did not know well.
Attention to Detail
Tell me about a project you have worked on in which it was necessary to pay attention to the details.
Give me an example of a time you discovered an error that had been overlooked by a colleague, what did you do?
Business Acumen
Give me an example of a time when your knowledge of organizational policies, practices, or trends enabled you to be successful.
Give me a specific example of a time when you had to conform to policy with which you did not agree.
Time Management
Tell me about a time when you had many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks.
Describe how you prioritize the tasks assigned to you.


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