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All the parents and their children have been tortured by the pressure of various job selections. In the past, people would easily judge a successfully stable works and undertook them. Today, though, they must do a lot work to get a well-rewarded work.

It is much easier for past generations than the people which live today to judge the successfully stable work. Historically, the work supply were rationally distributed, they were not so much people pursuing the same work as it is today and it took no time to consider the possibility that one would be replaced by someone else. As a result, they could easily judge from this. Within years, they could successfully do the work and amply rewarded with high salary. In contrast, people must list his own strength and weakness in terms of the opportunity and threat of the work. In which will take a long time to do.

On the other hand, people nowadays have many difficulties in judging the work. Unlike past generations, who had narrow range of work selections. People have to think about working environment, the culture of the institution, the promotion, and all these add the difficulties to people to make a best choice. There are many other temptation distracting you from thinking this. All of these can be seen on the daily life. As it did in my case, instead attempting to find a job, I stay at home studying in order to go abroad. Meanwhile, I have always haunted by the work thing. It is really difficult for me to choose a successfully stable work in these days.

With the technology and science developing fast, people must be knowledgeable on all aspects to improving the ability to judge daily things. This may cost them a lot time. During which they can take a shower, watching movies and so on.

Above all, I firmly support that past generations are easily inclined to judge the work which are successfully stable.