8th rej from UIUC-MCS

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Your application for graduate study in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has been carefully considered by our Graduate Admissions Committee. We regret to inform you that the committee is not recommending you for admission to the program. Due to space limitations and a very large number of exceptional applicants, we are unfortunately unable to recommend many well-qualified students for the program. Therefore, we hope that this decision will not discourage you from pursuing your future academic and career goals.

啊这…我投的还是MCS啊 UIUC bar这么高咩?
program 占位符都没填上 真不走心🙃

补充内容 (2021-3-16 11:38):
看了下地里从2周前开始报ad 感觉人很少啊…不知道有没有录取的小伙伴说说 大概录了多少人了呢
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