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我第一次考托福考试是在大二的结束的暑假。我的听力与阅读基础还可以,但是输出类科目挺差的。当时的我还没听说过一亩三分地这个网站,并不知道很多同学们慷慨的分享资料和推荐课程,就在新东方上了18节一对一课程,写作课八节,口语课十节,自己做了几套TPO练习阅读和听力。第一次考试取得了97分的成绩(R 28,L27,S22,W20),可以看到,我的口语和写作成绩仍然很低。后来反思了一下,觉得新东方一对一的课程对我帮助并不大,原因有两个:第一是线下课的老师经验没有网课老师丰富,用写作课举例,老师没有教我固定的体系和思路,我每写一个新题目,都要重新思考破题思路和文章的行文逻辑,而网课老师总是会总结出固定的理论体系,这样我即使碰到新题目,依然可以应用到固定的行文结构和逻辑,在考场上节省很多时间; 第二是一些一对一的老师并不认真负责,比如每堂课上,我的写作老师会给我一个题目,让我写,写完她修改点评,两个小时的课很快就过去了,我也并没有学到什么。所以个人并不是很推荐大家刚接触托福就去学习一对一课程,即使想去学习,也一定要谨慎的选择老师。


非常推荐黎老师作文,课程内容涉及语法、词汇、逻辑和文章结构,对我帮助非常大。想要提高分数,光是看别人写是肯定不行的,一定要亲自练习写作。我在考试前大概写过15篇左右的作文,大多是老师课上讲过的题目,和布置的课后作业,考试前几天自己模拟了几个TPO作文,刚开始我写作文也很慢很慢,但是练习次数多了,速度就上去了,就开始掐时间练习了,严格模拟考试的时间。我每次写完作文,都会用考满分的e-rater评分,这个e-rater是ets官方提供的,用它可以检测出自己的小毛病,比如格式呀,标点的运用呀,语法问题呀等等,还可以了解ets写作的判分标准。托福写作里面,很重要的一点就是横向扩写,比如,我们想表达“做运动可以保持身体健康”,我会扩成”做运动,比如打篮球,游泳,慢跑,学瑜伽和太极,可以保持身体健康“。 再比如,在一次考试里,我想表达“现在的年轻人有压力”,我写的是“现在的年轻人,被各种各样的工作任务充斥着生活,期待着找到满意有前景的工作,赚大钱,overshadow同龄人等等,有着很大的压力。”通过考了几次托福考试以及用e-rater检测的经验来看,在水平没什么变化的前提下,扩写句子,小例子写的多的时候得的分就高。

开头段:xxxxxx(一般是题目的中心词或者话题词),the foundation of xxxxx(exp. success/ personal development/ a quality life/ social development), has been valued and even triggers a heated discussion over *****(一般为题目的转述). xxxx, in some people’s opinions, places people as beneficiaries (is superior). Contrary to these people’s views is my opinion that people, by xxxxx ,will harvest and reap more benefit due to xxxx and xxxx. (一般是2个分论点).

中间段1: What must be prioritized is that 分论点1. To begin with,分论点1_a. In detail, 展开分论点1_a;in contrast,xxxxxxxxx. Additionally,分论点1_b. To be more specific, 展开分论点1_b;otherwise,xxxxxxxxx.
中间段2: What should be equally worth discussing is that 分论点2. Initially, 分论点2_a.To explain it further, 展开分论点2_a; contrarily, xxxxxxxx. Moreover, 分论点2_b. Specifically, 展开分论点2_b;however,xxxxxxxxx.
结尾段:xxxx(分论点1), the crucial element of xxx, will be improved by xxx. xxxx(分论点2), the key component of xxx, will be strengthened by xxx. To conclude, only by doing xxx can xxxx maximize their benefits.

题目:You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honesty is the most important characteristic for being a leader?

Leader’s personality(题目的中心词), the foundation of the development of an organization or a group, has been valued and even triggers a heated discussion over what the most prominent character of a leader is. Profound knowledge or decision-making capability, in some people’s opinions, should be attached the greatest importance, when selecting a team leader. Contrary to these people’s views is my perspective that honesty, in terms of team development, is superior to other qualities, due to the contribution to both efficiency (分论点1)and interpersonal relationship(分论点2).

What should be prioritized is that leader’s honesty is conducive to the whole team to complete the work efficiently (分论点1,照应第一段结尾effciency), by reducing the consummation of time as well as abating the risks of errors. To begin with, it is frankness that assists people to save a bunch of time that is supposed to be allocated to work, thus improving the working efficiency. In detail, trustworthy leaders spend no time in concocting stories, telling lies, adding details, convincing others and preventing others from detecting, so that they are more likely to make a concerted effort with their colleagues to get more tasks accomplished; in contrast, such a large quantity of time will be wasted, if a leader always lies, because he or she will usually get distracted by lying and will rarely focus on his or her career attentively. Additionally, the fewer lies a leader makes, the fewer errors he or she may commit. To be more specific, for a leader, always remaining authentic significantly reduces the chances of making mistakes caused by misleading others or conveying wrong information, and hence prevents other team members from incessantly finding and rectifying the errors; otherwise, mistakes, derived from putting forward a faulty idea and forcing others to obey, will be committed if a leader habitually tells lies, leading to the whole team to a wrong direction.

What should be equally worth discussing is that having an honest leader facilitates the strong connection between the superior and the subordinates as well as the harmonious relationship between the team and its clients. Initially, it is widely recognized that all employees love the leaders who keep real. To explain it further, honest leaders usually analyze and address problems impartially and objectively, which would win them respect from their subordinates, so that it is much easier to create an amicable working environment; contrarily, leaders’ dishonesty would leave a distorted impression on the employees, let alone hoping to receive esteem from them. Moreover, not only do employees prefer an honest leader, so do the clients the organization serves.
Specifically, integrity makes it much possible for leaders to attract clients since frank leaders punctiliously fulfill the commitment and accomplish the task properly and punctually. When being involved in insurmountable problems, these leaders still actively confront the embarrassing situations and feedback to his clients in case of creating more troubles. However, how could leaders, lacking honesty, who seems prone to deceive or even hurts clients, could win popularity and satisfaction from their clients?

Efficiency, the crucial element of people’s work, will be improved by a leader with sincerity. Interpersonal relationship, the key component of personal development, will be strengthened by a frank leader. To conclude, only by keeping honest can a leader guide an organization or a group to maximize their benefits.

那该怎么用这个框架呢,我用一道题目题再举个栗子,说一下我的思考过程,题目是 Do you agree or disagree, playing video games has more negative influence than positive ones on children . 我选择同意,负面影响更多。我会想出为什么玩游戏对孩子负面影响更大的四个理由,比如,玩游戏会使得孩子久坐不运动,有害身体健康;在玩电子游戏的时候,孩子长时间看电子屏幕,导致眼睛疲倦干涩,甚至近视,损害视力;长时间沉迷于电子游戏会使得孩子们变得懒惰、注意力下降、抗拒上学,学习成绩下降等;电子游戏中经常包含一些暴力影像,孩子容易受其影响产生暴力倾向。然后把这四个理由归结成两大类,前两个理由可以归结为电子游戏对孩子们的身体健康有更多的负面影响,这个便是第一个分论点;后两个理由可以归结为电子游戏对青年人的心理健康有更多的负面影响,这个是第二个分论点。这样,一篇文章总体结构就确定下来了。然后我们就需要安排中间段了,以其中一个中间段为例:电子游戏对孩子们的心理健康有更多的负面影响(中间段首句必须是分论点)。To begin with, never can we ignore the terrible impact of viewing some information of violence when playing video games on increasing children’s potential for aggression. (玩电子游戏会导致violence.) In detail, video games, imparting children with wrong values that cruel behaviors are recommended, always attract and invite children to play and hence desensitize them toward savagery in reality. With distorted perspectives encouraged and tendencies of violence increased, the young generation are more likely to commit violent crimes, such as robberies or murders, putting the whole society into a precarious and jeopardizing situation. (展开讲为什么玩游戏会导致violence)In contrast, the access to brutality will be denied when children seldom watch movies and television programs.(对比,不玩游戏则不会使孩子产生暴力倾向.) 接下来写,“玩电子游戏会导致laziness“,与前面“玩电子游戏会导致violence”结构相同。

刚开始写作文的时候,自己写的很慢,所以会严格依据框架的格式来写,慢慢的,我的速度快起来后,写的字数也多了,那我就会在展开的部分( 上段中解释为什么玩游戏会导致violence的部分)多写一些内容。比如这样:
题目,Do you agree or disagree, getting advice from older friends is more valuable than from the friends of the same age as yours. 我选择同意,因为it is much more advantageous and essential for both students and adults to receive advice from older friends.

What must be prioritized is that asking older friends for suggestions, instead of friends of the same age, is conducive to students’ academic work as well as mental health. (分论点1,对于学生好)To begin with, it is taking older friends’ opinions that helps students to deal with conundrums effectively and efficiently. In detail, students, occupied with considerable courses and assignments, are inevitably confronted with enigmas and difficulties in their study, which could not be solved with their superficial perceptions and limited capability of logical thinking. Older friends, who have already had a thorough mastery of the knowledge that students are studying and gotten through the same process of being in confrontation of adversities and addressing the problems successfully, are really competent and proficient in giving the most efficacious way to get questions solved according to their own experience. (这里的展开部分写了两句话)Otherwise, friends who are of students’ own age may be as confused as students themselves, letting alone presenting rational solutions to the questions. (对比)Additionally, never should we ignore the significance of listening to older friends’ ideas to building a solid mental condition. To be more specific, in such a hustle and bustle modern-daily life, overwhelmed by astronomical burden from parents and teachers, students are always concerned with different levels of pressure. Older friends, who are sophisticated in combating with mental health problems, can offer students with the most potent stress-shrinking strategies, and encourage them to face the pressure bravely, so that students are more likely to cope with their pressure and keep a good mood.(这里的展开部分也写了两句话) However, expedient advice is unavailable from friends of the same age, who are also struggling with the astronomical pressure and suffering from the foul mood, with whom students may trigger more negative feelings through talking.(对比)

what should be equally worth discussing is that adults, by taking advice from older friends, other than friends of the same age, can harvest and reap lots of benefits, due to the contributions to securing jobs and getting promoted. (分论点2,对于成年人好) Initially, the older a person’s friend is, the more skills and experience of locating a satisfactory job he or she can accumulate, so that he or she are more capable of bringing up helpful information that is not on the person’s radar before.To be more specific, an older friend may teach a person way to win competitive edges, such as attending professional trainings before graduation, developing the time management skills, teamwork spirits, interpersonal skills, and practicing interview techniques, all of which make a concerted effort to prepare the person for a bright career prospect. In contrast, such a plethora of knowledge and skills, indispensable elements toward a rewarding job, cannot be provided by the friends of the same age with full and wholehearted support, who are afraid of being overshadowed by the peers in the fierce competition in workplace. Moreover, not only can listening to old friends help adults to seek gratifying jobs, but also, it motivates adults to climb the career ladders. To explain it further, older friends, with the great benefits of hindsight, have more thorough and incisive understanding of events happening in the professional life, and hence they draw lessons from experiences they came to grief and summarize ways to get along with co-workers well, satisfy the clients and impress the superiors. Directed by the old friends in detail, adults discard the dross and select the essence, so that they can try their best in the work field, bringing them speedy promotion. (这里的展开部分写了2句话) Contrarily, even the worldly friends of the same age are unable to comprehend how to get promoted personally, not to mention helping others.(对比)


大家要了解自己的口语欠缺在哪个方面,有针对性的去看课程并进行练习,比如发音不好,需要学习原音辅音发音等课程,跟着BBC呀等英语原版视频和音频纠正自己的发音。我自己的问题是口语表达储备不够,不是英语思维,在想说一句话之前,总是要先想汉语,再翻译成英文,所以说话总是半半磕磕的。我知道自己的问题后,就去寻找资料,翻了论坛里好多好心人的资料分享,找到了fiona和fancy的部分口语课程。我看了他们两个对综合口语的讲解,坚持每天练习1-2套tpo的综合口语,自己说完之后就对比fancy是怎么答题的(fancy口语资料包里,有她录下的所有TPO综合口语答案和好多年真题的综合口语答案,超级好用!),修改答案,重听重记笔记重说,并且我还准备了一个小本子,记录一些常用的口语表达和答题的套路。比如综合第一题,学生提议或者学校的公告,练习多了就会发现,总是围绕着几个话题来讲,取消某门课程,给课程换时间,改造、修建某些建筑等等,我也会根据这些话题去总结并反复使用一些句子,词组,像点外卖order takeout food、课间between classes、 去校外go off-campus、车每2小时一班 the car runs every 2hs、学生不仅要支付(买车费)还要支付(停车等费用) students not only have to pay for (the car itself), but also, they have to spend money on (parking cars ……)、所有的费用都要加起来 all the cost will add up、学生支付不起 its hard for sts to afford it 、but with the new change 等等等等。关于练习独立口语,fancy口语依旧给出了多年真题和TPO独立口语的答案,我经常在走路、吃饭的时候听,每听一个题目,我就会思考我该怎么答,借鉴老师的好词好句好例子。接下来,我会将自己的答案录下来,这里用到了一个神器,iphone手机的一个软件叫做语音备忘录,录完之后,可以保存到手机文件上,没事的时候就会反复听自己的录音,熟悉每个题目的答案,超级方便。因为独立口语题目太多啦,不可能每个话题都会练习到,我还准备了一些万能理由,比如,“学生穷,他们平时需要花钱在交学费,付房租上,还需要购买生活必需品和书籍,(另外,他们还没有工作去赚钱),所以省钱对于他们很重要。” 在遇到题目“你想做plastic surgery ”吗,我就会答,我不想,因为第一作为学生,我很穷…,第二,很危险……;遇到题目“很多学生选择每年多学一些课程提前毕业,你支持吗”,还可以把这个套进去,我支持,因为第一,学生穷……,这样可以早赚钱,第二很多学生学习效率高,是具备这样的能力的……;遇到题目,“你想租更远一点但是便宜的公寓吗”,仍然可以把这个理由套进去。


1. 考场:我去过的考场有哈尔滨工程大学,沈阳师范大学,浙江工业大学和中国矿业大学。特别喜欢哈尔滨工程大学,是一个很新的屋子,两个人之间的挡板非常长,很像办公室的格子间,完全不会受到旁边同学的打扰,而且监考老师也特别好,很耐心,还不会收走搭在椅子上的衣服。沈阳师范大学考点里有三个托福考场,其中一个教室很大,考生特别特别多,桌椅摆放很像高考,桌子上的挡板还是泡沫板,键盘也很破了。中国矿业大学的考场很像机房,桌子和挡板也不大。最差的考点是浙江工业大学,桌子是圆形的,4-6个人围坐成一圈,挡板很小,而且很过分的是这个考点不是统一放考生到考场里的,八点到九点一直有人进,而且进去就让答题了,我在答阅读的时候,总是有人在试音,在答阅读加试的时候,有人都已经答到了口语。( T_T)

2. 口语答题策略:答完听力之后,会有10min的休息时间。其实我们喝完水、吃完巧克力、上完厕所之后不要傻傻的在门外等着,等到时间快到了再回到考场,可以回到考场里面坐着等待10min过去,这样可以听到其他同学答口语,万一幸运的猜到题了呢。

3. 向大家推荐一款特别好用的词典,欧陆词典,拯救了只会使用百度翻译的我。欧陆词典是可以DIY的,我自己安装了Collins,Longmans,Oxford,Oxford Collocations,Thesaurus等等,非常方便。

链接: pan.baidu.com 密码: e95u
1. 听力&阅读:
2. 口语
2) Fancy口语课程
3) Fiona 口语课程(不全)
2) 2014-2019写作真题及破题思路



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