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The progress of technology has alway accompanied advancement of standard of people’s life. Recently, a question arises: with the help of technology, are people’s life becoming simpler or more complex? Surprisingly, some individuals clams that technology complicates people’s life. From my perspective, however, people’s life are becoming increasingly simple, for the convenience the innovation of computer and advanced transportation have bring about.

To begin with, the innovation of computer technology brings people about more much than a electronic device. It has made the earth a little village. Nowadays, instead of sending paper letter, people employ e-mails to communicate with each other, even two individuals far away from each other are able to receive other’s mails within few minutes, making their communication quick and convenient. Besides, computers enable people to work efficiently. With the help of Words, Excel, PowerPoint, employees are able to easily organize their work documents and finish work with efficiency. Therefore, there is no doubt that technology has made people’s life simpler.

In addition to convenient aspects the computer technology has bring about, people’s lifes are also made easier by the fully developed transportation. People now can choose which ways, including airplane, bus, taxi, subway,train and ship, to travel around city, country or even the world. The advanced transportation makes previously impossible trip available. For instance, before the invention of airplane, if ones take ship, a journey from Shanghai to New York would not only take them months but also a large amount of cost, which is almost unavailable for ordinary people. On the other hand, the advance of transportation equip ones the ability to go anywhere they want. Accordingly, it is totally irrational to say that the development of technology has brought complexity to people’s life.

Admittedly, the progress of technology has also brought some troubles and originates dilemmas. For example, nuclear weapon has been a tremendous threat for every country, since it can readily kill millions of people; human cloning causes a panic among people, since it is terrible for people to have another “myself” in the world; even one of the most concerned issue--environmental problems are resulted from the progress of technology.

To sum up, although there are some side effects the advance of technology brings about, given the convenience and people’s simpler life it brings about simultaneously, these side effects seems secondary. And these side effects are also gradually eliminated by new technology, undoubtedly, people’s life will become rather simple in the future.