Cancer biology Postdoc position at OHSU

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现在老板在找postdoc,以下是详情信息。我是research aisstant,有问题欢迎问我。总的来说,老板人挺好年轻,科研动力大。所在的Knight cancer institute是national cancer institue,平台很好。

Job Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Area of Research: Cancer stem cells and the niche microenvironment
Principle Investigator: Naoki Oshimori, PhD
Institute: Knight Cancer Institute, Oregon Health & Science University
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA

Postdoc position in tumor biology at the Knight Cancer Institute, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)
The Oshimori Lab is a basic research lab at the Knight Cancer Institute with an interest in understanding the crosstalk between cancer stem cells (CSCs) and the niche microenvironment as mechanisms of tumor progression and treatment resistance. Our research program uses mouse models and human clinical samples to identify signaling pathways and gene expression programs that can be applied for the development of innovative therapeutic strategies.
The applicant must be a recent Ph.D and/or M.D. graduate with an outstanding record of research productivity. Skill set that includes molecular and biochemical techniques, flow cytometry, and bioinformatics together with a strong work ethic, eagerness to learn, and a passion for science are essential. Please submit curriculum vitae, including list of publications, a description of your current research, and contact information for three referees to: [email protected].

Relevant publications:
1. Oshimori, N. et al. TGF-b promotes heterogeneity and drug resistance in squamous cell carcinoma. Cell 160, 963-976 (2015).
2. Taniguchi S, Elhance A, Van Duzer A, Kumar S, Leitenberger JJ, Oshimori N* (2020). Tumor-initiating cells establish an IL-33–TGF-β niche signaling loop to promote cancer progression. Science 369, eaay1813 (2020).