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[align="left"]9.10 独立 Do you agree ordisagree that the rules in societies today are too strict for young people.[/align][align="left"]一直被chinglish困扰着。求各位指正![/align][align="left"]----------------------------------------------------------------------------[/align][align="left"]There's no doubt that the society is becoming more and more intricate and civilized with the development of economy,technology, education and so forth, which means more rules are needed to regulate people's behavior to let this huge machine run smoothly. As for young people, because of their immature attribute, strict rules in societies are always reasonable to them. These rules could also lead the young to success.[/align]
[align="left"]First and foremost, young people's mind and world-view have not been ripe enough to tackle with the constant change in the complicated society. When they are exposed to a new context, it is common sensethat rigid rules of the new environment should be taught to them at first as the guidance and regulation that everyone should obey. Take my own experience as an example. After entering high school, we spent almost a whole week in learningthe regulations of the school. I used my heart to accept all these rules and carried them out strictly afterwards. As a result, my high school life was so successful and wonderful with the company of these rules as a foundation.Therefore, it is crystal clear that strict rules are helpful in a young man'sgrowth.[/align]
[align="left"]Moreover, strict rules can help prevent some bad behavior of young man from happening. It is self-evident that if someone breaks the strict rule, he will not escape from some severe punishment. So, here we could see strict rules as a warning to young people telling them never touch the red line or even be close to it, otherwise, bad consequences will be waiting. For instance, once my friend Joey and I took part in a choirin the university. There was a paramount rule in this group that no one was allowed to be late for the weekly rehearsal except notifying the teacher inadvance, because one person's late would affect the whole group. However, Joey accidentally missed the rehearsal time due to some personal reasons, as aresult of which, he was kicked out from the group instantly without acompromise. Joey was really sad about this, but he had to accept the reality because he broke the rule. After this incident, the late thing never happened again.[/align]
[align="left"]Although strict rules to young people dohave some profound merits as mentioned above, we could not neglect someintrinsic harmful characteristics brought by some unreasonable rules. For example, in some rural areas, some high schools made some absurd rules ordering students to put all their time into academic performance improvement in order to let the school own a better reputation. This kind of rules is totally unacceptable, which will affect a young student's growth in other aspects,leaving the students the endless pity.[/align]
[align="left"]From what has been discussed above, we can safely arrive at the conclusion that the rules in societies today aren't toostrict for young people, because young people need these rigid regulations tobe guided and to be restrained. On the other hand, some bad rules should not be carried out no matter how strict they are.[/align]