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本来这段时间等offer就等的心累 但是也不要这么折磨我叭!之收到了一个看起来很不正式的letter (虽然有签名啥的)但是上面什么有用的信息都没有 然后就发邮件问了一下小蜜 当时发邮件的时候心里就想不会是搞错了叭 (人有的时候第六感就是莫名其妙的很准)结果等了两个周等到了这样的回复... 这也太奇葩了叭!这都能搞错了!心疼的抱住胖胖的自己。。


My apologies for the delay in response, I needed to check a few things on our admissions portal prior to responding.
I was confused by your email because we did not email/send you an Offer of Admission Letter from our department. I have learned that you received an email from the admissions office stating there was an update to your application. I am very sorry to have to tell you that update to your application was an error, I entered a decision on your application by mistake. Our Offers of Admission are sent as an email from our Chair of Graduate Recruiting and Admissions, and he did not send the letter to you. I apologize for my error.
Our admissions committee have made most of their offers of admission, and will continue to do so through the end of March. You will receive an email from my office when a decision has been made regarding your application.
If there are any questions or concerns I can address, please do let me know.
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