2 Fully-Funded Ph.D. Positions Available at Missouri University of Science and Technology
The research group led by Assistant Professor Chenglin Wu is recruiting two Ph.D. students. The group focuses on researches spanning from nano-scale mechanics of materials and sensing technology. The group also has a successful track record in advanced functional materials research. The ideal candidates are expected to have background in solid mechanics, materials, and electrical engineering. If you are interested, please email your CV and past publications to 1point3acres.com
密苏里科技大学纳米材料研究组现招两名全奖博士研究生。学校的专业排名全美前50,研究组成立以来在国际知名杂志上发文(包括Nature Communications, Sensor and Actuators B: Chemical, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Soft Matter, Composite B: Engineering, Cement and Concrete Research, etc.)。研究组研究方向主要集中于纳米材料,力学,传感器,功能性材料。希望有固体力学,纳米材料, 土木和机械工程的同学积极联系。更多的信息发布在研究组网站
The research group led by Assistant Professor Chenglin Wu is recruiting two Ph.D. students. The group focuses on researches spanning from nano-scale mechanics of materials and sensing technology. The group also has a successful track record in advanced functional materials research. The ideal candidates are expected to have background in solid mechanics, materials, and electrical engineering. If you are interested, please email your CV and past publications to 1point3acres.com
密苏里科技大学纳米材料研究组现招两名全奖博士研究生。学校的专业排名全美前50,研究组成立以来在国际知名杂志上发文(包括Nature Communications, Sensor and Actuators B: Chemical, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Soft Matter, Composite B: Engineering, Cement and Concrete Research, etc.)。研究组研究方向主要集中于纳米材料,力学,传感器,功能性材料。希望有固体力学,纳米材料, 土木和机械工程的同学积极联系。更多的信息发布在研究组网站