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[align="left"]Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.[/align][align="left"]提纲:[/align][align="left"]观点: 同意学习自已领域以外的课程有好处,但是不应该强制每个学生都学习各种领域的课程。[/align][align="left"]1. 说明学习各科领域的两个好处。一个是学术领域的好处,就是激发创新,例子神经网络算法。而是职业方面的好处,增加学生就业机会,例子有计算机背景的文笔很好的人可以做科技杂志的作者。[/align][align="left"]2. 缺陷1: 强迫学生学习不感兴趣的课程,学生不能够深入了解一个领域。[/align][align="left"]3. 缺陷2: 大学已经开展了一些 交叉学科领域的课程,对跨领域感兴趣的学生可以选择这样的课程。[/align][align="left"]4 让步,有人说学生入学的时候可能并不知道自己对哪个领域感兴趣。反驳:有些大学如哈弗大学允许学生自由选课,发现自己的兴趣。所以更没必要强制学生学习各个领域的课程。[/align]
[align="left"]求大家评论,我的观点可不可以,然后有人说我 对于 “学习各个领域的好处” 字数有点多了。大家怎么看。[/align][align="left"]求找逻辑和与语法的错误。[/align][align="left"]写了很就字数600[/align]
[align="left"]I agree with that taking various courses outside one’s field can benefit the student in academic and professional field. Despite of the benefit, it is unwise to force student study various discipline. [/align]
[align="left"]The first advantage is that the inter-discipline study trends to inspire a breakthrough in one’s main field. Since all academic disciplines don not exist independently, there are often some innovative ideas can be transformed from one field to another. For example, the study of Neural Network Algorithm, belonging to the field of artificial intelligence, is a living example inspired from the organization of human neural network. Now this achievement has make a breakthrough in AI field and it is the result of inter-discipline research. In addition, inter-discipline study help students gain more job opportunities. Due to the study of various courses outside one's field, the student have a sophisticated background and skills. For example, if a computer science student received training in literature, he can seek for a job as a editor in technology magazine. Since he has not only much knowledge of computer science field, but also good skill at writing, he will be more competitive comparing with other candidates applying for the position. [/align]
[align="left"]Although many benefits exist, there are some disadvantages of studying various course outside one's field. The first one is that taking too much courses out of their field may deviate students' attention and increase their burden. It has to be admitted that students have limited time to study in university. Taking too much course outside one's field means that students may fail to get deep understanding of their main field. In addition, some students may be forced to attend some courses that they are not interested in. In that case, these students may fail to learn these subjects. [/align]
[align="left"]Actually, the advantages of inter-discipline study have been realized by many universities. So , universities offer some programs combining different fields, which to some extent this may develop into a new field. For instance, the bioinformatics involves the fields of statistic,biology and computer science and is provided by many universities. The Students who prefer inter-discipline study can choose such major in university. As a result they may success in academic or professional field by inter-discipline study. For the students who are not interested in these filed will not be forced to study these courses, they also can have a success by choosing the filed they are interested in and working hard. So this alternative solution is more flexible than the recommendation that require every student to take various courses.[/align]
[align="left"]Some one may say that students may not realize which filed interests them and where their potential gift lies when they enroll a university. However, some universities, like Harvard University, allow students choose any course they want during the first and second year study in university. As a result, students have the chance to find the courses that they are truly interested in and accumulate skills before they specialize in one field. Therefore, it seems unnecessary to require every students to take various courses out of their study. [/align]
[align="left"]Based on above analysis, by inter-discipline study students can benefit in academic and professional fields. However, the recommendation that requiring every students to study a variety of courses outside their filed has some risk in deviating attention and increasing the burden of students. In addition, some exited policies may be better than the recommendation that requires every student to take a variety of courses outside the student’s field. Therefore, I have to say it is unwise to force every students to take courses outsides their study. [/align]