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麻烦大家帮忙看看,UWM 12.15提交的,昨天1.13收到这个,云里雾里不知道说的啥,是waitlist嘛?还有戏嘛。。?

Thank you for your application to the Civil and Environmental Engineering MS - Professional program, for Fall 2021-2022. At this time your application to our program is complete. All complete applications will be made available to our Admissions Review Committee. Please note, Fall and Summer application review will typically take place between January and May. Spring application review will typically take place between mid-October and December.
Decision results will be made available both in your MyUW Application portal: apply.grad.wisc.edu as well as via e-mail. Please monitor these accounts for future correspondence.
If, at any time, additional information/documentation is required, you will receive communication via e-mail or in your MyUW Application portal: apply.grad.wisc.eduwith that request.

补充内容 (2021-1-15 18:00):
朋友同program 和我同一天收到邮件,他收到了offer,我收到了这个,哭了…

补充内容 (2021-1-24 10:17):
1.22 收到Unofficial Ad 要学校递交官方成绩单😆 感觉胜利在望了

补充内容 (2021-2-12 13:08):
今天收到Official Ad! 3rd Ad!