
The best idea comes from a passionate interest in commonplace things

Throughout the history of human advancement, a dedicated and intense interest in commonplace thing have generated the best ideas. It is the intense investigation and relentless passion to explore the nature of the phenomenon, no matter how common it is, that leads us to the greatest discoveries in both practical inventions, academic revolutions, as well as social change.

A passionate interest will propel an individual to delve deep in the subject, which is a pre-requisite to understand any subject to a level that innovations can be made. It is only through painstaking observations, conscientious analysis, as well as hands-on actions to verify the hypotheses one assumed that can lead to a great invention - all of which require enthusiasm as a propelling force to sustain the process. For as long as humans existed, people have dreamed to fly freely in the sky like birds. The Wright Brothers have always had a passion in the dream of flying and thus developed an intense passion in birds and how their bodies make use of aerodynamics to enable them to fly. Out of the interest of a commonplace phenomenon like flying, they were inspired to observe different kinds of birds and the differences in their flying patterns, conduct force analysis to create a model for flying, and build countless plane models and overcome trials and errors. Although certain structures of the birds were misleading initially, they were able to overcome initial failures until the first airplane was invented and humans’ dream of flying was fulfilled. Their zeal towards one of the most commonplace phenomena in this world make them consistently investigative and resilient, which leads to one of the best inventions in modern history where traveling time across continents is largely reduced.

Other than technical innovations, a passionate interest in common things also contributes to the development of academic theories. The greatest ideas in the world are often simple and elegant because they are universal and generalizable. That is the reason why the best ideas often come from commonplace things - they embody the hidden universal principles of nature. When Newton was a kid, he was intrigued when an apple hit his head from the tree. The fact that the apple falls down from the tree instead of floating upwards both confuses him and incentivizes him to explore deeper into this phenomenon. It has been long observed that every object in this world free-falls to the ground instead of flying upwards, but nobody ever tried to understand why that is. Newton’s interest in one of the most commonplace phenomenon led him to discover the gravity force, a milestone in classic physics. The Law of Gravity has a significance in the history of science exactly because it is so universal and can be applied everything on this Earth. This illustrates the point that true innovations are all-encompassing come from distilling the essence of the most general phenomena.

Aside from the natural sciences, a passion in our everyday social life leads to a keen observation in the interaction between people of diverse backgrounds such as race, occupation, and socio-economic statuses and often result in radical social movements that battles the injustice of the world. Segregation and Jim Crow laws have been widely implemented in the South since the end of the Civil War and for many years have been taken for granted that nobody questions that legitimacy of such laws. Martin Luther King, a champion for civil justice and racial equality, was able to take note of the unfair status quo out of his compassion for the common people, the common Black people. This passion initiates the campaigns and movements for Black rights which result in the abolition of segregation and a series of bills to promote racial justice. No great social change has ever taken place without a deep concern for the welfare of the common people.

Overall, the advancements in both technical innovations, academic theories, and social changes come from individuals deeply passionate about the commonest things around us. The commonplace phenomenon and the common people ignite their inspiration in investigating the core beneath a surface level, overcome obstacles and resistances, find a pattern amongst chaos, as well as improving the status quo.