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Nowadays, sports, including ball games, swimming, running and so on, are becoming an indispensable part of people’s healthy life, leading to popularity of watching sports competition. With the great concern on sports, professional athletes earn not only fame but fortune as well. However, some individuals doubt if it is really necessary to pay such a high salary for an athletes. From my perspective, those athletes do deserve the high salaries that they are paid, for their hard work as well as their sacrifice of private space.

To gain a high salary, professional athletes have to contribute much more time and energy than most workers do. As we all know, ones must accept specialized training when they are still little kids in order to be professional in a given sport field, while others are playing with their friends and have no regard for their future career. Besides, professional athletes almost have no leisure time during their career. For instance, NBA players have to persist 82 games every season, and if we count playoff in, the number would be even bigger. During the offseason, in order to meet the challenge of new season, they also have to work hard in the weight room or on the hardwood even they are not paid to do so. Thus it is their hard work that pay them high salaries.

Furthemore, what they sacrifice is much more than leisure time. Professional athletes, like goldfishes in the bowl, are deprived of the privacy. Every living details of them and everything they are involved with are put under a microscope, which usually bring their families and themselves unimaginable troubles. Taking one of most popular NBA player Lebron James as an example, when he was playing high school basketball, he was highly promoted in national media as a future NBA superstar and thus his life was amplified by news media. Just like what he once said, “My personal life was almost destroyed by news media”, a professional sport player lives in in the spotlight of media and has no private space at all

Admittedly, a small part of professional athletes earn a a large number of money that we ordinary people cannot imagine of. Generally, an athlete’s earning consists of regular salary and endorsement money. According to Forbes magazine, Tiger Woods made 115 million dollars last year, including 90 million dollars in endorsements. Surely, ordinary people cannot earn “115 million dollars” in their whole lifetime and it might be hard for them to think of a person who are able to earn those money within a year. Nevertheless, it is also difficult to envision how much those professional athletes devote to their beloved sports and how much they sacrifice in their personal life.

If we want to earn a salary as high as professional athletes do, we should work as hard as they do and we might make a sacrifice other than private space. Therefore, I do believe that professional athletes deserve the high salaries that they are paid.