neu转专业 - IS bridge
大家好 我本科就读于内布拉斯加林肯分校 现在是大四 本科是超级文科的专业 Human Development and Family Science(地里应该没有比我更冷门的文科专业了吧 哈哈😄).
Calculus I, II, III
Intro & Advance Statistics
Intro to Physics & Chemistry
我感觉我被录取的一个很大的因素就是GPA较高(cum:3.833). Physics & Calculus III我只拿了B.
我猜测IS bridge与Align CS应该有某种异曲同工之妙, 就是weak background in science classes is preferred. 地里有被MSIS录取的小伙伴欢迎与我交流呀 Wechat: rxy19981121 祝愿地里的小伙伴都有心仪的offer!
p.s. GRE/TOFEL Wavie 然后我问了一下春季通知的发放日期:
Thank you for reaching out to us! Yes, if you apply before your deadline, your applications will be reviewed when they come in. Those who apply before September 15th can usually expect a decision around mid November.
Graduate Admissions Team
College of Engineering
Calculus I, II, III
Intro & Advance Statistics
Intro to Physics & Chemistry
我感觉我被录取的一个很大的因素就是GPA较高(cum:3.833). Physics & Calculus III我只拿了B.
我猜测IS bridge与Align CS应该有某种异曲同工之妙, 就是weak background in science classes is preferred. 地里有被MSIS录取的小伙伴欢迎与我交流呀 Wechat: rxy19981121 祝愿地里的小伙伴都有心仪的offer!
p.s. GRE/TOFEL Wavie 然后我问了一下春季通知的发放日期:
Thank you for reaching out to us! Yes, if you apply before your deadline, your applications will be reviewed when they come in. Those who apply before September 15th can usually expect a decision around mid November.
Graduate Admissions Team
College of Engineering