普度大学商学院招收Statistical Machine Learning方向博士后

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Company Information: Purdue University

Position Title: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Statistical Machine Learning

Duties and Responsibilities: Assistant Professor Will Wei Sun (web.ics.purdue.edu) from Krannert School of Management and Professor Guang Cheng (stat.purdue.edu) from Statistics at Purdue University are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with strong skills in statistical machine learning. Priority will be given to candidates with expertise in the areas of high-dimensional statistics, causal inference, tensor data analysis, reinforcement learning, or deep learning. This position will be jointly supervised by Assistant Professor Will Wei Sun and Professor Guang Cheng to work on reinforcement learning or deep learning problems. The initial contract is for one year, with renewal (based on satisfactory performance and funding availability) for one additional year. Travel fund for presenting research outcome at academic conferences will be provided as well. The post-doctoral fellowship is a 100% research position.

Position Qualifications: Applicants must have completed their Ph.D. in Statistics, Biostatistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or related Data Science areas prior to the date of appointment.

Salary Range: Competitive

Website: web.ics.purdue.edu

Application Information: Please email the following materials to Prof. Will Wei Sun at 1point3acres.com: (1) CV; (2) two represented research manuscripts; and (3) contact information of 3 references.
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