U of Washington at Seattle, PMP, EE

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已经决定去UC Santa Cruz了,前几天想起来这个PMP还没出结果,就发邮件问了一下,没想到还给发了一个AD,来地里报一下。

Professional Master's Program in the Department of Electrical Engineering


Congratulations on your offer for admission to the University of Washington Graduate School for Autumn 2013.

Our faculty, staff, and students join me in welcoming you to one of the most prestigious, progressive universities in the United States. Founded in 1861, the University of Washington bases its world-class reputation on educating students at all levels to become leaders in their fields and enjoy diverse, rewarding careers. However, it is the people here who make our university such an incredibly special learning environment.

It is with great pleasure that we offer you admission to the Professional Master's Program in the Department of Electrical Engineering for Autumn Quarter 2013. You have been chosen for the program along with a select group of highly qualified professionals both regionally and internationally, and we congratulate you on your academic and professional achievements so far.

Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington is a top twenty department with many diverse and exciting opportunities in all branches of Electrical Engineering. We invite you to be a part of our growing landscape. We are proud of our faculty, our research, the collegiality of faculty and graduate students, and of the success of our graduates. We look forward each year to the best and brightest students joining us in our work. We believe that you will find our community an exciting place to study, and we are confident that you will find the Professional Master's Program to be an interesting and rewarding way to earn your degree.

Autumn Quarter begins on Wednesday, September 25, 2013. Should you accept this offer of admission, additional information will be forwarded to you regarding registration and orientation activities to occur before the quarter begins.