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The USC Viterbi School of Engineering is pleased to offer you admission to the MS in CSCI and CSDS for the spring semester of 2014.

本来补申的UTD拿到录取之后觉得好歹有个地点专排都还可以的学校能去,虽然学校知名度什么的一般,心里有点不甘,但是申请的时候定位还有GT那个样子,哪有什么后悔的余地呢?怨也只能怨自己准备的不好,优柔寡断磨磨蹭蹭的做决定导致自己那么被动。虽然USC 一直pending,大家说它是GPA控,我平平的GPA让我看不到希望,但是同学校的同学都还没有消息让我忍不住又抱着点期望,也许按学校审的还没有审到我。直到同学收到了转DS的邮件,我没有收到,我意识到我的拒信可能已经在发出的路上了。后来我看了论坛上面报结果,意识到可以补申DS,我赶紧补了一个,也不知道还来不来得及。收到USC同意add application to my file的时候我觉得还是有盼头了,起码还在待审队列里面。一天天的刷graduate certification的网页,一天天的刷邮件,一天天的失望。一天天的近了月底,说绝望也不过分。昨天凌晨我给USC发了邮件,
I just finish my final thesis. During writing it, I read many papers and found that so many authors of them are from USC. It makes me think that to apply for USC is the most sensible decision I made. Maybe someday I can be in their classes and have discussion with them! It enhances my aspiration to join the USC.
However, it gets close to the end of June and there is still no update of application status from you. Actually I have got other universities' admission, even with scholarship, but I have accepted none of them because of you--I haven't gave up waiting for you. Now I genuinely hope to get your decision as soon as possible, either admission or rejection is appreciated(of course AD is better^_^). Thank you for your time. Hope my dream of joining you will come true.
就在吃中午饭的时候,我还在大学的群里问有没有同去UTD的人,一个小时前,我就看到邮箱里静静的躺着一封邮件。维特比工学院,双track录取,梦寐以求的the best end of the application. 突然砸到的馅饼让我晕的不行,我看了好几遍才敢确认这是真的没有在做梦。
谢谢论坛里面细致报AD的同学,谢谢详细总结了USC CSDS录取的同学,谢谢我的同学拿到USC AD之后的推荐,谢谢你们,谢谢!
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