经历2020全聚德之后的ME PhD申请二战总结

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08/18/2020,我终于收到了PhD的录取通知书,结束了长达一年的申请。从了OSU,继续留守中西部做栗子人。我想跟大家分享一下我一年来的经历,申请的准备,失败的分析和感想。不是鸡汤,也没有鸡血,只是想用我个人的案例告诉大家,无论在2020年遇到什么事情都不要放弃,每一个为生活奋斗的人都值得肯定。 以下是申请复盘

2019年9月,MS二年级在读的我开始了PhD的申请,心高气傲,圈定七所学校(UCLA, CMU, UT-Austin, Purdue, UIUC, Northwestern, Cornell)后便着手SOP的书写和网申的提交。



1. 卖车收拾家当买机票,回国找工作(没错,我最舍不得的其实是我的爱车小黑)
2. 投简历找内推,在美国找工作
3. 准备2021春季的PhD申请

●本科国内top15,绩点一般(3.4/4.3, 4/19),一篇水5作
●TOEFL 112(没错我19年夏天还专门去重考了托福,浪费了200刀),GRE 327 3.5(鸡肋成绩)
●五月拿到最后一个月的工资,身份已经过期,处于60天grace period期间

1. 我的背景不算很弱(和发了很多论文的大佬没法比,但是也可以算有一定竞争力)
2. 一旦回国,不清楚还能不能再来美求学(我硕士签证就check了,本科学校也在黑名单上)
3. 我还没有做好工作的准备,而且一直在为读PhD准备


目标过高。我申请的七所学校排名都在我就读的OSU之前,意味着我会和很多实力远高于我的选手竞争,果不其然,我是一败涂地的输家。(但是我申请时的想法是,2018年申请的时候我一个本科毕业生都拿到了OSU的PhD录取(我为什么18年拿了PhD offer却只读了硕士呢?因为老板说他没有钱养博士,给我降成了硕士),因此比OSU排名低的我不去,事实证明这是一个非常幼稚的想法)。所以大家选校一定要拉开差距,保底一定要保住,不要像我一样蜜汁自信,眼高于顶。

然后,在浏览了大概20所大学以后,我下调了申请目标,圈定了TAMU, OSU,VT, Vanderbilt,Northeastern,CMU,UW-Madison等七所学校,并且把申请方向拽回结构设计,制造,有限元等为主,生物力学,外骨骼为辅的思路。


●上网课。为了让自己显得更有竞争力,我花了七周在Coursera上参加了Andrew Ng的机器学习和深度学习课程,学习了最基础的Python课程,拿到了六张证书可以挂在LinkedIn上。我曾经对CMU一位利用Machine Learning做机械设计的导师很有兴趣,因此我希望能用这段经历去套近乎(然而老师春季还是不招生,sigh)。再者,我也可以用这一段经历告诉其他教授,我没有自我放弃,我在努力学习,毕竟技不压身
联系本校教授。我得知OSU一位导师手下半年内会有两位PhD毕业,方向正好是我所感兴趣的设计类,于是我立刻去邮询问,上午发的邮件,下午就和导师进行了zoom meeting(巧的是,2018年我申请OSU的时候就套磁过这位导师,当时他已经没有位置了)。导师表示他知道我(through my advisor and labmates),他手下缺人,并且指派给我六篇论文,如果有兴趣,我们可以继续讨论(当然有兴趣,不用看我都有兴趣)。六篇论文读罢,我还真的是对这个课题有了更多了解和更强的兴趣,再加上硕士期间对这位导师的了解,我认定这将是我把握最大的机会。因为:我的OPT身份已经开始,没有挂靠地,90天的失业期会在9月底结束,我需要尽早拿到offer,把身份变为F1;OSU的教授是大老板,有拍板权,我需要抱紧这条大腿。由于我人就在OSU,因此还去实验室和学生进行了交流,学习使用设备,因此我能明显感觉到录取有望,同时,我每周都和教授发邮件,总结课程状况,看论文所得。
●联系推荐人。我联系了本科的两位导师,陈述了我2020 fall申请失败的事实,请老师继续帮我做2021 spring的推荐人,老师表示安慰并且欣然答应。联系硕士老板,老板表示全力支持,甚至提出如果有中意的套磁目标他可以帮我联系。(由于我硕士期间主要就是和老板联系,没有认识很多其他老师,所以也没有试图联系其他老师做推荐人,如果可能,还是更多找美国老师要推荐信


Statement of Purpose
I am writing to apply for the doctoral program in Mechanical Engineering at The Ohio State University. I have been a Buckeye for two years during which I received my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Before that I attained my B.S. from Xi’an Jiaotong University which is ranked top 10 in China. (开头点题,我写SOP的目的就是申请OSU的ME系PhD项目)My primary research interests are in structural design, manufacturing, and smart materials. The Ohio State University has a world class platform that can support me to pursue advancements in these fields, therefore I would like to continue my academic career here as a Ph.D. student.(OSU平台很好,可以满足我的学术兴趣)

My previous research projects have well prepared me for doctoral studies. I worked on origami acoustics advised by Prof. H for my M.S. thesis. The investigation in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx not only allowed me to gain knowledge on acoustic analysis, but also led to my greater interest in structural design and kinematic study. (我硕士期间的课题)When I worked on the project, limited studies are available to demonstrate how to actively control the origami-inspired acoustic arrays. I built an analytical model in MATLAB to study the acoustic field of origami-inspired arrays, realizing that acoustic arrays with curved shapes can create dramatic wave focusing effect as other studies have shown, yet such structure is unstable and is not easily held in position in practice. To solve such problems, I studied the kinematic behavior of different deployable structures, and applied a unique design which synthesizes Hoberman ring with Miura-origami. This synthesized structure employs the expanding ability of Hoberman ring to control the folding extent of origami facets, thus preventing the elastic deformation. With its curved feature, this one-degree-of-freedom mechanism may expand radially and can generate an ideal acoustic focusing region with transducers positioned on Miura-origami facets, providing a new method for the design of deployable, wave focusing structures that may help to guide future implementations. (前人在该课题上有未考虑的问题,我改进了)

During my undergraduate studies, I joined Prof. W’s bio-mechanics lab to work on xxxxxxxxx project. (我爱嗑盐,我本科也干活了)I found that although existing research on the design and fabrication of the customized 3D printed insoles is testified to be effective for diabetic prevention, the design process takes up to 60 hours, which limits the future application of the method. In order to improve the traditional simulation method, I proposed a new method to obtain a generic function between plantar pressure distribution and insoles modulus distribution using a MATLAB model. After training the model with existing data, the MATLAB model is validated through experiments with an error less than 5% when compared to simulation method, and the computational time of design is reduced by 58%. (量化科研成果,我把设计时间缩短了接近60%)The result of the model looks promising and provides a new method for further clinical treatment of diabetic foot prevention and commercial production of the insoles.(在我的改进下,这个方法以后说不定可以产业化(其实离得八竿子远呢))

My experience in the projects stated above has strengthened my ability to carry out independent research and guided me into the field of structural design and related research areas. For my doctoral study, I would like to work on the design of smart structures through simulation and computation analysis for further application in related areas.(我喜欢这个,我博士还想做这个)Although my interest mainly focuses on structural design, I am willing to take challenges to work on other related areas such as mechanics of material, because I realize that kinematic behavior of structures is usually determined by material properties. I am eager to learn more about smart materials that enable to advance the application of structures such as manufacturing, robotics or structural health mentoring(然而我不死板,我也可以做相关的别的课题)

After completing the Ph.D. program, my intention is to obtain a position in academia to focus on studying and advancing design theory. My long-term goal is to improve design techniques for its better application in industry, I want to combine machine learning theory into the field of active design and lead a team to develop design software that can carry out structural design automatically with given requirements via models and simulations. (我以后目的是搞学术,显得高大上一点,尽管我内心并不这么想)

For the reasons stated above, the Ph.D. program in MAE department at the Ohio State University is especially attractive to me. With my research experience in the MAE department for my M.S. studies, I recognized that this program offers a large selection of courses that I am highly interested in. (我在这儿上的硕士,我熟悉这儿,课程设置我喜欢) After talking to Prof. A, Porf. B, and their Ph.D. students Z and O via zoom, I learned that their labs focus on interdisciplinary research and provide opportunities to work with other labs, helping students gain knowledge from different perspectives. (我和一些教授都zoom聊了,他们实验室环境好,我喜欢)As a Buckeye myself, it would be ideal if I can keep thriving here as a Ph.D. student.

Interested in the field of structural design, simulation and smart materials, I am especially interested in working with Prof. A and Prof. B. As well-known experts in the area of smart materials, structural design and robotics, their guidance will be crucial for me in my future work, both theoretically and practically. (总结一下,我喜欢这俩老板,想跟他们混,他们在这个方向是大佬)

With my determination and academic qualifications, I am confident that I will be a good match to this program at OSU. In my graduate studies, I will pursue to become a researcher dedicated to bringing up new concepts through my work. (我适合这个项目,我会继续努力)

这篇SOP是我在参考(套用)前辈 instant.1point3acres.cn 的文章后写的,细节大家可以参考前辈的意见。

Dear Prof. A,

Good afternoon.

I am XXXX, a M.S. student graduated from Ohio State University with a GPA 3.95/4.0. I am writing to pursue a PhD degree at VT under your guidance in XXX.

I have some bio-mechanics and robotics research experience during undergraduate period. My research during M.S. at Ohio State University is related to acoustic, structural design and kinematic analysis. I have attached my CV to this email, and you may find more details about me in my website xxxxxxx.

I found myself interested in bio-mechanics, dynamics and structural analysis, and always feel rewarding when experimental and analytical results match well. I wonder whether you have any open position in your lab for Spring 2021? It would be a great honor if I can receive your reply.

Thank you.

Best Regards,


8/16的时候OSU的教授发来了录取的offer letter,做RA,8/17甚至连RA合同都给我扔过来了,天大的馅饼砸的我措手不及,满脸懵逼(也有可能是集齐七封拒信召唤到了录取)。我愣了片刻,果断接下了这份offer,签字画押认老板,生怕老板反悔,本萝卜终于有坑了!更夸张的是,老板告诉我,哦我跟研究生院那边说过了,你直接2020 Fall入学吧,不耽误事。这个跌宕起伏的2020,在此时峰回路转,柳暗花明,对我露出仁慈宽厚的微笑。而最玄幻的莫过于,其他学校的网申系统,此时我甚至都还没有开通(啊省了一大笔钱啊)。。。这里我想再说一个问题,老板对于录取的重要性,很多老板是可以直接拍板决定PhD录取的,Purdue八月初的拒信告诉我,no advisor no admission policy,在UT的教授鸽了我之后我也是在4.15那天正好收到拒信(说明我的那份档案就一直呆在applicant pool里没有老板捞走,到4.15了,清理垃圾,顺便通知我)。所以一定要好好套磁


8月,我继续利用空闲时间培养我乱七八糟的兴趣,东搞西搞,不务正业,直到我收到录取通知(收到通知的very moment我正在做旅游攻略)

整体说来,我的个人案例是很奇特的存在,并不一定具有代表性。申请完败后秋天却神奇地被海底捞(突然发现我18fall,2020fall,2021spring三次申请总共20个项目,只有OSU前后给我发了三封录取,大概我和OSU真的有缘分吧),魔幻的2020 对我竟然如此厚待,诚乃我之大幸,我也会努力让自己配得上这份幸运。但是我最想说的是,人生最重要的或许并不是一时的得失和成败,而在于要一直能坐在牌桌上,只要还在牌桌上,牌就有的打,短筹码也可能翻盘。


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