STEM OPT问了老板第二年抽签问题

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前情提要:我问了我老板是不是需要准备明年抽签budget等等的问题,因为我们组几乎没有人需要抽签,凡事都要自己早点问。老板说去找上面的heads问一下,并且说要start the process。上周我老板跟我开会最后提了一句说大老板让他开始去找legal、HR问一下,但是说的有些模糊。于是我今天又发邮件给我老板去follow up了一下,问是否得到了大老板同意以及后续会不会有什么问题。得到了如下回复:

I absolutely know this is very important to you! You are important to us as well and I will do what needs to be done. I don’t think there should be an issue, although we are dealing with very tight budgets given the times. We got R’s (R是我老板的老板的老板)verbal agreement, and I did tell him that we want to do this for you.

The budgeting process starts in the fall. We don’t have formal approval, since the budget goes through multiple steps, but we are starting early so we should be ok. I mentioned the cost for applying to the lottery to R(还是那个我老板的老板的老板), but I need to send him the full cost. We need to find the old emails from HR outlining the costs.

This week is a bit hectic, but it is on my to-do list for next week. Thanks for following up! Feel free to check with me again next week.
