寻求一个opt extension加急的理由

4.21 received until now
主要我是在opt extension pending期间需要换工作. 问过IC,他们不建议在pending期间换工作. 想请问下有没有小伙伴有opt extension加急的经验。查了下一下符合加急的情况,但因为收到了notice自动延期了180天,应该不属于severe financial loss的原因。

补充内容 (2020-6-26 09:26):
Changing anything with your employer while your OPT STEM is pending is risky. Please note, that if you still do not have your OPT STEM EAD card and your application is still pending, any changes made to your employment during this time can affect/delay your application.

If you plan on changing jobs while your OPT is pending, you will need to send our office:

a new Employment Update Form
a new i983 for your new company
a final eval on the i983 from your old company (if your OPT STEM start date has passed)
the everify number of your new company
a copy of the i797 receipt notice for your OPT STEM application
Our office will use these documents to update your SEVIS portal and contact USCIS with the updated information. Updates of any kind while an application is pending may result in the delay of the processing of your application.

补充内容 (2020-6-26 13:51):
上午发了帖子 下午就new card is being produced,估计过几天就回approve吧😭😭感动
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