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1. 19年年底工作被雷,12/10/19最后一张paystub;
2. GP期间file了I-539,申请境内COS,H1B转B2, 1/12/20 case was received;
3. 2月初拿到了新公司offer,讨论再三,律师建议一边等B2批准,一边file一个新的H1B (CP),等B2下来之后再申请COS是最保险的。。。Anyway, 2.25 case was received;
4. 结果B2一直没下来,4.25 H1B was approved,收到了I797B;
5. 6.19 B2申请被拒了,原因是H1B petition被批准了”you're now an H-1B“。

整个周末楼主心情都十分沮丧,面对现在的情况,楼主打算先file motion to reopen/reconsider保住境内合法身份。但是对于具体操作还是十分困惑。并且新公司的律师只负责H1b的case,539是楼主自己file的,虽然收到了拒信内容与新的H1B有关,但律师并不提供任何帮助。楼主还打算之后让律师file一份H1B amendment申请CP转COS,但是需要等290B的case pending之后律师才会进行操作。。

基于楼主已经out of status的事实,求助地里大神给些保命建议!!

Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations (8 CFR) § 248.1(c) states, in part:
Except in the case of an alien applying to obtain V nonimmigrant status in the United States under §214.15(f) of this chapter, a change of status may not be approved for an alien who failed to maintain the previously accorded status or whose status expired before the application or petition was filed...

You requested a change of status from H1B to B2. USCIS has reviewed the evidence of record and found that you filed a Form I-129 with USCIS after the filing of the current application. Records show that H1B caseXXXX was approved on April 25, 2020. Accordingly, your status was changed to 1B1 (这里应该是个typo) on April 25, 2020. Because you are now an H1B, your application to change your status to B2 may not be approved. Your application is therefore denied. Please note that this denial will not affect your current H1B status. Therefore, your application is denied.

1. 想请问file过motion to reopen和reconsider的小伙伴提供一些宝贵意见和时间线,任何相关建议都欢迎;
2. 据信引用的regulation code和下文中提到的deny原因好像并不是同一个?楼主file539的时候还在GP期间,身份并没有expire。但是原文说我在file 129 COS之后file了H1B,所以这里有违反任何规定吗?
3. 原文里面说因为我现在是H1B了,所以我申请的COS就无法被通过,但是楼主现在只有一份I797B,H1B身份也并未激活,所以应该还不是H1B?

4. 此外,倘若之后fileH1B amendment,成功几率大吗?此项是否有操作性?
5. 面对现在的状况和今天的新闻,楼主无法也不敢出境(没有stamp),不知道还能申请什么来延续身份了,求支招!!

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