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今天收到UFL某位老师的一封邮件,老师希望我能接了offer然后进他的课题组,研究方向是Nanoscale Devices and Integrated Systems,同时还表明当初为我做了强力推荐,帮助我顺利拿到录取,但是个人更倾向于刷题转码,选择加州的学校,请问该如何回应这位老师呢?谢谢各位!
"Several weeks ago I carefully reviewed your application to MS degree study in ECE at the University of Florida (UF), and I strongly recommended admission of you to the program.
I've learned from the department that you've been officially admitted, and I hope you've received the admission notification. Congratulations!

During the review, I found your research and academic background at XXX Univ and XXX Univ of Sci & Tech can be an excellent fit to some of my group's research topics in the Nanoscale Devices and Integrated Systems areas.
So I hope you may be interested in exploring MS research in my group.

If you are interested, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me. "