cmu Heinz面经 mism msppm 2020史上最全版

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1.10压线提交申请,2.15收到面试邀请,七天之内完成否则视为不做。对非英语母语的学生是highly recommend。heinz的面试要求从今年还是去年起就改了,之前是录几个小视频,现在改成录一个90秒的video essay。流程:测试设备——练习(无限次)——抽题,90s准备——回答,90s。我抽到的题目很简单,Describe your dream job/career. 我就根据文书里写到过的内容阐述了。



Outside of school and work, what is the activity you have committed yourself the most to? Why?

Besides your academic and career, which activities do you dedicate most of your time to? And how it could benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz?

Please tell us about a time when you had to manage your emotions in a difficult situation.

A situation when your ethics were challenged and how you handle it and put your honesty into test?
A complex problem and how to generate a new approach and explanation for the solution.

Tell us a time that you have to make an important decision quickly.

Tell us about a situation where you had to solve a problem weighing the advantages and disadvantages of several options.

Tell us about your most meaningful accomplishment outside of the workplace and academics and tell us what steps you took to achieve this.

Tell us what's interesting about yourself, that is not reflected in any other applying materials.

Share a situation when you identified a factor for a problem






Imagine a fellow student acting disrespectfully towards a professor. How would you handle the situation?

Please tell us about a time when you needed the assistance of a teammate to help you with a problem or project.
How teammates help you in group work?

Illustrate how you acknowledge your teammate's achievement.


Describe a situation where you build motivation among coworkers or peers.

Describe a time when you were asked to do something differently, or use a unique approach to help achieve an objective of some sort.
Tell us about a time when looking into a problem from a unique or unconventional angle helped you to come up with a solution.
Tell us the most innovative idea you have got.
Describe when u used an improved method to address a problem. /说一个你在项目中需要进行其中某一部分进行提升的经历。Improved approach to address an issue.

Describe a situation where u have to do multiple tasks at a time

Tell us when you've had difficulty with a team member because their perspective or approach may have been different than your own. How to reach consensus in teamwork?
In team environments, we often have difficulties with other team members. Tell us when you've had difficulty with a team member because their perspective or approach may have been different than your own
A significant component of the graduate school experience is teamwork. When have you worked with a team to build consensus? How did you go about accomplishing that end?

Tell us about your first paid job and what you have learned from it.

As you were applying to the graduate program to the Heinz college, what steps have you taken in your academic and professional life to prepare you for graduate studies?
为了申请这个项目,你在专业上做了哪些努力? (academic preparation for Heinz)
Please give us an example of an academic or co-curricular activity that has prepared you for graduate studies at the Heinz College.
What past academic experience will help you to succeed in your future study at Heinz?

What's your motivation to go to graduate at this point.
What's your motivation to apply?
As you are applying to a professional management program at the Heinz College, why are you interested in working in the particular industries related to your program?


描述一下你期待的工作或职业生涯 and how Heinz will help you
Describe your dream job/career.

Why do you like Heinz college?;选择我们这个项目而不是其他学校的项目的原因

For your academic and career, which activities do you dedicate most of your time to? And how it could benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz? (注意这个是让说学术/职业方面的,等同于why will Heinz choose you)
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