之前NEU CS-Align REJ 说会推荐到其他项目 之后续邮件

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3.5号结果出来CS-align被拒,说会推荐到其他项目。今天邮件发来说“According to university records, you were denied entry to the Khoury College of Computer Sciences. However, your profile was reviewed by the College of Engineering (COE), and it was determined that you may have a background appropriate for COE programs. The purpose of this email is to invite you to apply to the COE as an alternative. It is important to emphasize that this message is not an offer of acceptance to the COE, but rather is an invitation only to apply to the COE for admissions consideration.”
COE的项目, 除了Data science 之外,其他的可以申,需要提交个简化版的申请,并免除申请费。邮件里有链接指导。个人感觉应该是 COE里面的项目还没申满。我不打算申了,给那些还想去东北但之前被拒的同学一点参考。emmm 也有可能是每个被拒的人都发了这个邮件。。hhhhhh,就po出来作个参考
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