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本人在职妈妈,有两个一岁和三岁的小娃。毕业以后一直在一家半导体公司做算法。刚刚拿到Google和Microsoft的full time offer。各路亲朋好友前来取经。干脆发表了吧。求米求米 :)

How to prepare for job applications

1. Before application
1.1 Prepare resume:
You should always update your resume from time to time even if you don't plan to switch jobs in the near future. This will help you understand if you are doing meaningful jobs that can help you in the future or not. Also, it helps you to clear your mind on what you want to do for your career. When building a real resume for job applications, you can use resume builders online.
1.2 Prepare coding:
This took me the most time. And in the end, this becomes the most confident part of my application. So please start practicing coding as early as possible. Set a fixed time frame for practicing. Set a plan on the topics. This works for me:
1.2.1 Time for coding:
Since I have a full-time job plus two small kids, I need to manage my time pretty well for job applications. Every day I got up at 7 am, prepare my older one for school. After she left at 7:30 am, I took my breakfast and finished everything before 8 am. Then I set up a whiteboard for myself, and begin coding on it from 8 am to 9 am. And heading to work at 9 am. Every noon, I pick up my lunch quickly and finish it within 20 mins, then I find a corner with my laptop and code on leetcode for 40 - 50 mins. Every night, after sending my kids to bed and finish all the cleaning, I open my laptop at 8:30 pm and code until 10 pm. Those are the main chunks of time for practicing. But those are not enough.
I also found watching YouTube on fractional time periods is helpful. When I was waiting in the lunch line, or pumping milk, or just waiting for the kid to finish her dinner at the daycare, etc. Some useful subscriptions on YouTube:
Coding: 花花酱, happygirlzt
Machine Learning & Stats: StatQuest
1.2.2 How to practice coding
<< amzn.to >> is a must-read. You will get a clear and solid data structure and algorithm knowledge from it. Some of the exercises are high-frequency problems in the interviews.
"Leetcode" is also a must-have. I will go to the top asked problems first. And do a "DFS" with similar questions. Compare the differences between similar problems. Remember where you went wrong. Talk out aloud your thoughts. Try to draw on paper before coding, etc.
1.3 Prepare domain knowledge
For senior-level application, you must prepare for system design. A highly recommended online course is "educative.io". Also, if you apply for machine learning engineer jobs, you also need to learn the "recommendation system".
For computer vision and deep learning, I found it's useful to read several online tutorials. If you have GAN experience, please make sure you understand Ian Goodfellow's paper on GAN.
Another often overlooked thing is concurrency. Leetcode has this topic. And you also need to understand data paralleling and model paralleling if you want to apply for deep learning related jobs. Get your hand dirty on practicing multi-thread problems!
Good Luck!

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