IC fintech 1.27面经分享

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先说一下Timeline吧,11月开的网申,12.4提交的,1.22拿到的Kira 面试邀请 1.27面试DDL


1. Introduce yourself and show your ID for 20s(固定的)
2. Goal题: 你的goal遇到了opposition,how do you deal with it
3. Group work 题:你发现一个teammate make an error, what would you do without destroy the others' motivation
4. Hobby 题:Your Unique hobby and how do you discover it
5. written: 你的实习工作要结束了,你对你自己的工作不是太满意,给你的manager写一封farewell and thank you letter(这道题虽然在之前的面经遇到了,但是说的是你对实习不满意,要离职,然后被误导了,面试重新写的)
6. 专业题:推荐一家值得投资的公司(T_T)--瞎答的,准备的时候看见了,但是觉得不会,然后堵我不会遇到,真的墨菲定律啊。。。


1. Introduce yourself:
  • Please introduce yourself, and then hold up your government-issued photo ID clearly in the camera for at least 20 seconds.
  • introduce yourself to business managers
  • 你的朋友是怎么评价的,觉得你是怎样的一个人。
  • Why are you unique

2. Hobby and interests:
  • What’s the most adventurous thing you have ever done outside of your studies? What did you learn from the experience?
  • Tell me about some of your greatest achievements. How do these factors into your future career goals? (课外成就)
  • activity out of the classroom and why important
  • what's your most unusual hobby? How did you discover it
  • hobby that influence your career goal
  • interest you pursue and benefits it gives you
  • what skills you pick up from your interest and hobby, how do these skills influenced your study and life?
  • 如果有一年带薪休假,你会做什么
  • tell me about your interest
  • how you involved with your community outside of the classroom? what impact

3. Goals and preparations:
  • Your preparation you have made for you graduate study
  • time management for long term goal and short term goal
  • life goal and how to achieve it
  • 实现goal的时候被人反对,what did you do?
  • 一次high level of drive to achieve a goal的经历
  • give an example of a short-term goal you have set yourself and how to achieve it.
  • academic goal recently achieved
  • 有没有challenging goal and how you deal with it?
  • 你放弃过什么目标?why and how do you deal with it?
  • 你是否达成了生活中绝大部分目标
  • when you are making your long term goal, what factors will you take in to consideration?

4. group work
  • ; You are working on a group project and need to convince a majority of the
  • teammates to take a certain action. They are hesitating. Show us how you would persuade them?
  • when having disagreement with team members, how to express your opinion
  • ; if you notice an error in team, how to express without damaging the relationship
  • ; disagree with team leader
  • ; non-academic group work that you make the difference
  • ; how to assign works to different people
  • ; 小组里有一个人不听别人的发言,你怎么办
  • ; none academic project you have done, what’s your project
  • ; A new colleague joins a project you’re working on. How do you build a relationship

5*. Job interview
; 在面试dream role 时怎么给面试官留下好的first impression
; the entrepreneur you most admired and what’s the common feature you both have?
; interviewing your dream role, what are companies looking for
; ln the final stage of interview, tell boss what

6*. 杂七杂八
  • ; how to stay motivated when things are not going well
  • ; motivation to attain achievement
  • ; failure and how to recover
  • ; 有什么事你application里面没有提到的
  • ; why London
  • ; unpopular decision you made

7. written Question: (250字)
  • 1. 一位校友在一个你很想去的公司工作,如何让校友为你引荐到这个公司?
  • 2. 在网上看到的学长,希望聊天
  • 3. your mentor introduced you to a CEO in a company that you want to work for. write an email to invite the CEO for a coffee chat
  • 4. meet recruiter,希望在他们的公司工作,a follow-up letter
  • 5. ideal company 同意了实习的offer,写回信
  • 6. 为什么你要被选作student council
  • 7. 收到了第二志愿的offer, 在等第一志愿
  • 8. 结束实习写一封感谢信
  • 9. 你朋友想要认识一个CEO,正好你和CEO私下认识,为你朋友写推荐信

8. 专业题:
  • 1. financial innovations如何帮助investors
  • 2. impact of Brexit vote on the financial industry
  • 3. How would you advise a less financially aware friend to invest for their retirement?
  • 1. save it in bank as deposit: not beat inflation and lose money
  • 4. what’s the financial sector that you most interested in and why
  • 5. 2008年金融危机
  • 6. why we need to know macro-economics
  • 7. Google,Apple是否应该多交税


  1. 一共6道题,前4道对应1-6的整理,1-4题和第6题都是15-30s准备(应该是30s,但是我有几道是看题的时候卡住了,跳转准备的时候只有15s,不知道是舍得的还是默认计时了,但是4、6题是30,疑惑脸)
  2. 写作没有准备时间,直接5分钟计时,所以看到题目要开始写,不要犹豫。。。我懵逼了近1min,因为和面经上不太一样,哎。。。感觉写到100字出头已经很不错了
  3. Kira理论上可以断网重来,题目不会变,但是有点冒险,应为面试邮件说,会让Kira吧发现刷新题目的找出来,然后直接拒。。。可怕。。。但是我还是冒险刷新了第一题,重来了一次
  4. 我用苹果分屏,但是中途有两次不知道是恰好还是检测得到我换到另一边去的,突然弹出硬件问题,重新录。。。第三题这样重新录了2遍。。。
  5. 整理的1-7是商学院统一的题目,所以是通用的,只有专业题不一样


Anyway, 祝各位好运,如果大家有对面经的题目想交流的可以在下面交流哇?我也想学习一下面试,本人面试有点差(哭泣)


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