Duke MEM/MEng 网申 Video Introduction 题目分享

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1. How will this degree from Duke Engineering help you to achieve your career goals upon graduation from Master's program? (固定的第一题)

2. When working in team with members from different cultures, how do you ensure that communication is effective?

3. Duke University is a community dedicated to scholarship, leadership, and service, and to the principles of honesty, fairness, respect, and accountability. (其他记不得了,最后一句话是:when you enter this new environment, how do you ensure the reputation of this community at Duke) 问的是学生一些基本原则(上课不迟到,不作弊 etc..)

4. Duke University encourages students to engage in student organizations..(题目很长,最后一句是:How do you see yourself contributing to your community outside the classroom). 问的是你对参加课外活动的一些想法。

1. Video introduction 一共两个问题,1分钟准备,6分钟回答,两个问题的时间自由分配但一共可以讲6分钟。

2. 一共有三次机会录制,注意!每次录制题目会变!!(我被这个坑死)第一题是固定的,第二题我目前遇到2,3,4 这3种题目。大概率就这3种,可能还会有更多。
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