H1B NON PP + RFE Approved 时间线及经验分享 (VISA Pending期间回国)

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本人MS in EE,坐标美中二三线小城市,在一家100人左右的小公司做Electrical Engineer,今年是最后一次抽签机会,EAD明年2月过期

年初的时候就订好了五月份回国内结婚,当时也没查办理签证期间能不能出国,律师也没有提醒我(大概他们事务所没有过先例吧),然后五月中我就和对象乐呵呵的回家结婚去了(真的傻)。在国内期间HR通知我被抽中了,然后就乐呵呵的回美帝等着签证通过。顺道一提,我海关也顺利通过了,看到网上说VISA Pending期间出国回美帝过海关也会有问题,不知道为啥我没碰到,侥幸侥幸。等了几个月收到了RFE,本来以为是要提交更多工作相关的证明,结果发现是跟我确认是不是被抽中后出国了,是不是放弃了H1B申请,下面附上我律师给我的解释:

When XXX(我公司) filed the petition we requested the USCIS to change your status from F-1 to H-1B effective October 1. When we request a change of status we are essentially telling the USCIS that you are in the US and that you want to change your status to H-1B rather than having to go to the US Consulate. If a person travels outside the US while the petition is pending the USCIS takes the position that the person no longer wants to change status (in the US) because they left the US. When this happens the USCIS can still approve the petition for the H-1B but the USCIS will notify the US Consulate abroad so the person (who left the US) can process the application at the Consulate.



May 06, Case was Received
May 12, 回国
May 24, HR收到通知
May 26, 回美帝
July 23, Request for Additional Evidence Was Mailed
August 02, Response To USCIS' Request For Evidence Was Received
October 29, Case Was Reopened For Reconsideration
October 30, Case Was Reopened
November 13, Case Was Approved


总之最重要的一点,VISA Pending期间,没有什么非出国不可的事情一定老实儿地在美帝待着啊!!!含泪分享,等RFE回复的那三个月真的提心吊胆……


All human wisdom is contained in these two words, "Wait and Hope"