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第一封邮件11月13号,Chancellor发的,大概意思是说他去看望了体育馆静坐抗议的同学们“I went from the airport to the Barnes Center at The Arch to briefly visit with our students who gathered there in an effort to effect change on issues that are important to our community.(这个“第一封”是建立在楼主没有删掉更早的相关邮件的假设下。。。。楼主真的太喜欢删邮件了)


第二封邮件11月14号,DPS校警发的,说他们正在调查昨晚的五点半发生的种族歧视事件“The Department of Public Safety is actively investigating a bias incident that was reported at approximately 5:30 p.m. last night. Graffiti using language that is derogatory to Asian individuals and vandalism were discovered in a bathroom stall in the Physics Building. There are no suspects at this time.

第三封邮件11月14号,学院的Dean发的,“I share Chancellor Syverud’s deep concern regarding the graffiti and vandalism incidents at Day Hall and in the Physics Building.”(从这里可以看出,是两个地方发生了种族歧视事件,一件在day hall,一件在physics building)

第四封邮件11月14号,学校diversity办公室的声明,“We have just learned of the hateful display of Anti-Semitism that occurred just steps from our campus. I join everyone in our community in vehemently condemning this vile behavior targeting the Jewish faith. ”这个声明似乎是针对仇恨Jewish的歧视事件的声明,种族歧视事件除了出现在亚裔身上,也出现在了犹太人身上

第五封邮件11月14号,貌似是学院的学生会之类发的声明,声明是针对发生在day hall和physics building的种族歧视事件,“In response to the racist hate crimes that have recently occurred in the Syracuse University campus community, including yesterday's attack at the Physics Building and last week's attack at Day Hall, the Graduate Student Organization fiercely condemns these actions with the utmost urgency.”

第六封邮件11月14号,这一天的来自DPS的第二封邮件,“A short time ago, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) responded to a report of a potential bias incident. Graffiti that maligns the Asian community was discovered on the third floor of Day Hall”,从邮件中可以看出,又是day hall,又是出现了针对亚裔的种族歧视事件


第七封邮件11月15号,来自学院,“Greetings. In light of recent events, the college of Engineering and Computer Science would like to provide you with the opportunity to talk, listen, console, heal and commune. ”大概是针对这次种族歧视事件在学院里号召大家来参加个讨论会之类的吧




第十封邮件11月16号,DPS校警发的,“The Department of Public Safety is currently at Haven Hall investigating a report of racist graffiti. The graffiti contained racist language that is derogatory to Asian individuals.”haven hall,又是一起针对亚裔的种族歧视事件

第十一封邮件11月16号,学校日报,A few moments ago, the Department of Public Safety issued a Public Informational Alert to inform you of a bias incident that was reported early this afternoon in Haven Hall. Please note, we also received a report of a potential bias incident overnight at Day Hall. 除了提到了DPS邮件中提到的haven hall种族歧视事件外,还提到了day hall的种族歧视事件,不太清楚是新的一起day hall种族歧视还是前几日的day hall种族歧视事件,毕竟这个day hall出场频率太高,楼主已经数晕了。

第十二封邮件11月16号,DPS校警,The Department of Public Safety is currently investigating two bias incidents that were recently reported. The first incident occurred at Haven Hall, where anti-Semitic graffiti depicting a swastika was discovered. The graffiti was quickly removed. DPS has no suspects at this time. The second incident occurred at Sadler Hall. A student reported that another student was loudly yelling a racial epithet that is derogatory to African Americans. DPS is working to identify the individual responsible. 除了早些提到的haven hall,Sadler hall又出现了针对非洲裔的种族歧视事件。

截止到发稿,day hall发生了三起(?楼主已经数晕了)种族歧视事件,physics building发生了一起针对亚裔的种族歧视事件,学校周边发生了一起针对犹太人的种族歧视事件,haven hall发生了一起针对亚裔的种族歧视事件,sadler hall发生了一起针对非洲裔的种族歧视事件,比较客观的叙述大概就是这样,接下来就是楼主个人的吐槽了。

先吐槽一下dps,短短半个月内亚裔,非洲裔,犹太人,通通被种族歧视了遍,且针对亚裔的种族歧视不只发生了一次,同样的歧视,同样的day hall,如此猖獗,简直是挑衅一般的行径,这不仅是种族歧视,这还是在打校警的脸啊,DPS竟然至今为止都没抓到人?!不是说种族歧视在美国很敏感么?除了乌泱乌泱的邮件,我丝毫看不出来DPS的上心,这种效率甚至不如楼主本科学校的保卫处高校,楼主那时还仅仅是丢了一辆自行车,抱着死马当做活马医的态度去保卫处报案,保卫处当即给调了几个监控,还真的看到了那个偷车贼的影子,尽管由于天色昏暗,什么也看不清,但是出于保卫处的设备和其主要职责,能做成这样,我已经非常满意了,相比之下DPS则个效率真的有点低。

补充内容 (2019-11-19 23:31):

补充内容 (2019-11-19 23:34):
11.18DPS邮件,DPS is actively investigating the discovery of racist graffiti using language that is derogatory to African Americans on the 5th floor in Day Hall,不知道在调查旧的day hall歧视还是新的

补充内容 (2019-11-19 23:35):
11.19DPS has received multiple reports of a document purported to be a white supremacist manifesto being posted in an online forum and allegedly “air dropped” to several cell phones of individual

补充内容 (2019-11-19 23:37):
11.19DPS,Since our last Public Safety Informational Notice, the Department of Public Safety has been working closely with the Syracuse Police Department, New York State Police,

补充内容 (2019-11-19 23:38):
and Federal Bureau of Investigation the to investigate the document purported to be a white supremacist manifesto. 接上条,帖子补充的字数有限,就不详细说了,大家可以看看新闻,新闻有报道这些
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