(回复加米)求指点加州系personal history statement的写法呀

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为怎么写加州系的personal history statement愁秃了头。
The Personal History Statement is required from all applicants. Please note that the Personal History Statement should not duplicate the Statement of Purpose.

Please describe how your personal background and experiences influenced your decision to pursue a graduate degree. In this section, you may also include any relevant information on the following:
; How you have overcome barriers to access higher education
; How you have come to understand the barriers faced by others
; Your academic service to advance equitable access to higher education for women, racial minorities and individuals from other groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education
; Your research focusing on under served populations or related issues of inequality
; Your leadership among such groups
UC Santa Barbara is interested in a diverse and inclusive graduate student population. Please describe any aspects of your personal background, accomplishments, or achievements that you feel are important in evaluating your application for graduate study. For example, please describe if you have experienced economic challenges in achieving higher education, such as being financially responsible for family members or dependents, having to work significant hours during undergraduate schooling or coming from a family background of limited income. Please describe if you have any unusual or varied life experiences that might contribute to the diversity of the graduate group, such as fluency in other languages, experience living in bicultural communities, academic research interests focusing on cultural, societal, or educational problems as they affect underserved segments of society, or evidence of an intention to use the graduate degree toward serving disadvantaged individuals or populations
其实要求描述得挺详细了,不过我个人contribution to diversity的经历很少呀,强行写做公益关爱少数群体又害怕用力过猛会显得很蠢,只能勉强写一写leadership
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