路易斯安娜州立大学(LSU) MIST Lab PhD Position

路易斯安娜州立大学(LSU) 计算机系(CSE)Chen Wang 老师的MobIle SecuriTy (MIST) Lab 有一个PhD position。有兴趣的同学EE, CS or equivalent 都可以邮件跟他联系。

Chen Wang老师的研究方向是将无线通信,移动计算,传感,深度学习和网络安全和隐私相结合,研究方向贴近日常生活。研究成果经常得到各大新闻媒体的报道(这个在申请EB1绿卡时候占一项),包括ABC, BBC, CNN,NSF,IEEE Spectrum,MIT Technology Review 搜狐,网易。

Dr. Chen Wang is an assistant professor in the Division of Computer Science and Engineering at LSU. His research focuses on Cyber Security and Privacy, Mobile Computing, Pervasive Sensing, Smart Health Care, Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Wireless Communications. Dr. Wang received his doctoral degree in computer engineering from Rutgers University. Before joining LSU, the PI worked in the Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB) as a research assistant from 2017 to 2019. Dr. Wang has published over 20 high-quality research papers in top conferences and journals in the field of cybersecurity and mobile computing, including TMC, IoT, CCS, Infocom, MobiCom, ICDCS, AsiaCCS, CNS and ACSAC. He is the recipient of three Best Paper Awards from the top security conferences, IEEE CNS 2018, ACM ASIACCS 2016 and IEEE CNS 2014. From 2014 to 2019, his research studies have been widely reported by over 150 media outlets, including IEEE Spectrum, NSF Science 360, Fortune, ABC News, BBC News, CBS News, Science Daily, 搜狐,网易, 世界日报and MIT Technology Review, etc.