Five CS PhD Positions at University of South Carolina

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The Systems and Software Security Research Lab in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of South Carolina is recruiting students. The research of our lab is focused on designing and building more secure computer systems, especially mobile systems and IoT devices. We also work on security issues of machine learning and apply machine learning to resolving security problems. The PhD students will be fully funded with competitive assistantship. Both master and undergraduate students can apply.

Requirements for students: excellent coding skills and passion in research; GPA >= 3.2/4 (or top 30% in the class); Toefl >= 80 (or IELTS >= 6.5); GRE Q>=165 V>=150 (we can slightly lower the requirements on GRE and GPA if you are distinguished in other aspects, such as coding and research). If interested, please send your CV, GPA, transcripts, and English scores to Dr. Qiang Zeng zeng1(at) or Dr. Lannan Luo lluo(at) (please replace (at) with @ in the email address).
Please make sure your are truly interested in Systems and Software Security research before you apply. Research in this area typicall invovles very little maths and theories, but requires high coding, innovation and system building skills and it needs you to work very hard to succeed. I strongly suggest you take a look at our publications ( to see whether the research looks interesting to you.


研究:南卡大学属于卡内基分类中的R1大学, 其CS排名在全美排第82 (checked on Nov 3. 2019)。 注意csrankings由于其客观性,现在越来越被广泛认可。我们组(Dr. Qiang Zeng and Dr. Lannan Luo's group)的研究都是学科最前沿的问题,非常有利于学生发高水平的论文。学生从PhD第一学期就有属于自己的project,而不是做工程性的coding或者给其他学生打下手,我们组的学生因此成长迅速。我们把比较多的精力和指导投入到学生身上,因材施教帮助学生找到合适的问题,大量的时间和学生一起讨论解决方案,甚至一起debug。我们组的选题都是既有趣,而且又关注最重要的研究问题,包括Internet of Things, UAV, NLP-inspired binary code analysis。
在过去的一学年,虽然我们组只有三个学生,但我们组已经成绩斐然。共发表了两篇A类会议文章(NDSS'19, MobiCom'19), 两篇A类期刊(TDSC, TMC), 三篇B类会议文章(DSNx2, RAID)。我们的NDSS工作是第一个将基于深度学习的NLP技术引入binary code analysis,已经引来广泛关注。我们的MobiCom工作是第一个为千差万别的IoT设备提供统一的、安全、易用的user authentication solution。我们组研究经费充足,所以今年准备招5名PhD学生。我们热切期望确实对安全研究有热情的学生加入我们,作出更有意思、影响力更大的工作。

气候与生活:南卡的气候可能是全美最好的,四季分明,不冷不热,大部分时间阳光明媚。这里距离大海只有一个半小时车程,市郊有大湖,市内有河流。是一个景色宜人、干净舒适的城市。不但自然环境优美,而且因为是州的首府,这里生活也很便利,动物园,植物园,Costco, Walmart, Macy's, Bestbuy, 还有各种中西口味的饭店,两家中国超市。对学生免费的、世界水平的健身馆就在我们系楼旁边

毕业与就业:我们实验室的两大方向就是Systems and software security和deep learning (但请注意,我们只关注与安全有关的问题)。而这两个方向正是在中、美两国市场需求最大的两个方向。毕业的标准我们非常清晰,学生只需要在top-tier conferences上发表两篇文章,就可以毕业。
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