About UW & PMP项目

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上回说到,手握PSU和保底校Rutgers的Rej,鸭梨山大地过了将近一个月。接着愉快的3.8来临了,我也终于收到了第一个AD@UW。不过不是传统的MS,而是PMP(Professional Master of Engineering)。其实就是别的学校的MEng,授课型无论文硕士,只不过这个项目是近几年UW才设立的,然后换了个名字。学校在西雅图市中心,比较吸引人,综排专排神马的也都不错。录取以后发现这项目便宜无比啊,45个学分,每个学分500刀,总学费就是2W1+student fees。Length根据学校说是"In most areas the degree can be completed in 9 months, but 12-15 months is most common",貌似有点自相矛盾?好吧我只能按照9个月是极限速度,大多是12-15个月完成学位来理解了。

关于这个PMP,地里有些人说很水,听说拿到UW拒信的还会收到他家建议申请PMP的邮件(不解,自砸招牌?)。还有人说,这个PMP是晚上上课+函授,别的专业我不清楚,在civil & environmental engineering里面只有一个construction engineering方向是online program,也没提晚上上课的事。

According to e-mail,
"Students admitted to the PMP are not funded by the department. In some instances, it is possible to begin in the PMP and switch to the research track later. However, opportunities to switch to the research track are limited and depend on the unpredictable availability of research funds, as well as case-by-case decisions by principal investigators. Applicants to the research track for whom insufficient research funding is available are automatically considered for admission to the Professional Master's Program.
Students in the PMP take classes alongside Master's and PhD students who are on the research track, so there is no difference in the quality of the program from an instructional point of view. The diploma is the same for all master's students regardless of whether they are on the PMP or research track. The PMP simply involves additional coursework in lieu of doing a thesis, and is a good fit for students interested primarily in professional practice."
Therefore~PMP并没有传闻的水。P.S UW貌似对国际生不怎么感冒,地里申UW MS拿到录取的不少是PMP,他家受国家科研补助很丰厚,全美第2,公立大学第一,MS貌似都有funding,may be that‘s why uw charges so little for tuition & does not recruit many international applicants as research track graduates~
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