第二个AD @ university of Chicago

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大晚上的收到University of Chicago的邮件,打开一看,居然又是一个AD。 芝加哥这个cs真心不错,好像是一年的样子吧。 之前很喜欢。小秘也非常非常好。 回答了我好多问题,也非常耐心。我甚至问了一下我的录取几率。 她说我的gre虽然语文不好,但是他们主要看的是数学部分,所以不用太担心。 然后她还说我的托福不错。
虽然非常非常喜欢这个学校。 但是已经有了CMU INI的MSIT-MOBILITY的AD了,所以有些纠结。大家觉得哪个好些啊? 芝大的综排没的说,好像是第四吧。

March 13, 2013


Mr. Yu (Atom) Zhang
Beijing, Beijing 102208

Dear Mr. Yu Zhang:

Congratulations! I am pleased to offer you admission to the Masters Program in Computer Science at The University of Chicago for Autumn Quarter 2013.

The first day of classes is Monday, September 30, 2013.

Entrance exams covering the prerequisite math and programming topics will be given on Monday, September 23, 2013.

You are required to pass both the math and programming exams to start in the Autumn quarter. The prerequisites can be viewed atcsmasters.uchicago.eduxxx. Study materials for the exams will be provided once this offer of admission has been accepted.

Please follow this link to the apply-psd.uchicago.eduxxx to accept or decline our offer of admission by Monday, April 15, 2013.

Please subscribe to the mailing list for new students at csmasters.uchicago.eduxxx, where you will find important information about starting the program.

The CS department does not offer financial assistance, scholarships or support for the Masters Program students. You must show that you have full financial support to study in the program. In the coming weeks we will send you detailed instructions on how to apply for a student visa.

To assist with your housing search in the Hyde Park area, please go to the Graduate Student Housing site at the University's Residential Services website at rs.uchicago.eduxxx.

I hope you will join the University of Chicago family. As you know, the University of Chicago and Department of Computer Science share a reputation for excellence and innovation respected around the world. Courses are taught by world-renowned faculty and industry experts who will provide you with a solid foundation in computer science and technical expertise. While you are here, I invite you to explore opportunities for educational and professional enrichment at The University of Chicago's other top-rated professional schools, museums and institutes. The University of Chicago brand and global alumni network will pay dividends to you from your first day in class and throughout your career.



Janos Simon
Professor, Department of Computer Science and The College
Director, Masters Program in Computer Science

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