5.7安家楼 MS-流行病(公卫)速过 5.9已拿到护照

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5月7日早上8.15 人不是很多 从排队到签完出来大概四十五分钟搞定
分配到25窗口亚裔男,前面一家5口旅游问了好久最后给人全拒了...... 到我,
VO: “把你的护照给我” (台湾调调)
递上护照,“Do you want me to speak English or" (想着毕竟F1 还是主动一点)
VO: "Yeah, show me your I20" (有口音 不像ABC更像后天学英语的那种)
递I20的时候VO问: "Which school?"
- “Johns Hopkins"
VO: “Are you to do PhD?"
-"No it's just a two-year Master‘s program."
边看I20边自言自语... "Epidemiology..." 我赶紧解释Epidemiology是什么... "you studied veterinary medicine" - "yeah that was my undergrade major"
我: "I also have my study plan and cv prepared, do you want to take a look?"
VO: "Yes." 递过去后他就摆在面前,并没有看,一直在打字
VO: "Last time what did you do in America?"
- 解释两年前J1暑研
VO: "What do your parents do?"
-"Telecommunication Engineer"
VO: "Which one? China Mobile? China telecom?"
-"Neither, well...it's for the military" (紧张 害怕扯到军队会比较敏感...VO竟然边重复for the military边笑了 可能没听过)
VO: "Ok your visa is approved."
-"Thank you, will it be going through Administravie Process?" (VO说no)

5.7当天下午查已经是Iussed,5.8晚收到邮件通知已经在中信银行ready for pick up了,速度惊人...两年前J1好像还AP了三天
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