[Mphil] Cambridge Computer Science

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现在贴在这,里面好多错别字凑合看吧= =(骗点米,还有好多文章积分不够看不到有木有囧。。。)

Interview varies from person to person. There is a blog about Cambridge computer science interview on Internet, you can google it. (I forget the name ...)

Let me introduce my interview now. In my application I said I was interested in social network analysis, therefore the interviewer was from this field. She sent my a paper before interview(about one week) It is about the three months traffic in mobile network and gave some conclusions about social cluster, etc...
She asked me to read this paper and tell her what I think in the interview.
In preparation I found she had a lecture named "Social Network Analysis" in Cambridge, then I found she used this paper as example to explain some basic concepts in this field, which somehow helped me understand this paper.
Then after one week I got telephone call from interviewer.
First question was why choose CS at Cambridge. Then I told I had some experiences in some projects, which conviced me I love this field.
Then she asked me about paper. I said it was a good paper, gernerally concluded this paper, and raised a point where I think we could develop further and one idea that I could not agree, then she asked me how to validate it.
Next step was about disseration in master, nothing special.
Then some normal questions, like how many languages you can code, what grade/GPA you will get once graduate, etc.
Finally Q&A. I said I was interested in your reserach on geo-location detection on social network analysis, then she said it was your master interview, and there was no need to talk my reserach

and asked somethings about Cambridge computer science.
This is all, about 30 minutes.

This is my case, and one of my friend also applied to Cambridge, and she was a tragedy - -. In her interview she was asked many questions and concepts on Computer Science, and she told me she failed on most of them, and in the interview the professors told her many times that you should not come to Cambridge to learn this field....= =...........
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