4.23 | 梅陇镇 | OR PhD 1000 | 不知道算不算水果

VO: 下一位!
我: Nice to meet you. I am here for an F-1 visa. Here's my passport and I-20.
VO: Good. But I don't know Operations Reseach. Can you explain it?
我: bulabulabula ...
VO: Do you bring your resume and research plan? (同时归还了i-20)
我: Here you are. (心跳加速...)
VO: Good. You have been to US as an exchange student, right? (同时归还了cv&study plan, 松了一口气...)
我: Yes. bulabulabula 说我上次干了啥. I have my previous DS-2019. Do you want to see it?
VO: No, I don't need it. Do you have a master degree from US?
我: No. I am now a 4th-year undergraduate math major from Fudan University. I'll obtain my bachelor degree this June.
VO: OK. I see. 开始敲字...


见状,我: Anything wrong? (心跳再次加速...)
VO: (没理我,沉默了一会儿...继续看屏幕) OK. You're approved.
我: Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

全程约2分钟。不知道对于PhD算不算水果呀 QAQ

Anyway, 贡献一个数据供参考。求5年5年5年5年5年!

补充内容 (2019-4-24 10:37):
4/24 9:30-10:30 ISSUED!!!

补充内容 (2019-4-26 09:59):
4.26 9:45 5年!!!
从年初campus visit安家楼被check到拿到5年F1,涕泗横流啊。终于可以常回家看看了 ^_^
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