H1B regular cap的报道 互相更新时间线

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看地里大大大部分都是advanced 基本还都有三次左右的抽签机会。我是regular本科 有且仅有一次抽签机会 想召集一下地里其他的regular小伙伴一起来互相打打气 看到adv中签率那么高 往年汇报的几乎也都是adv的 真的替我自己感到心慌😭

4.2邮寄同时file了PP 希望能尽快收到邮件 祝大家都有好运气!

补充内容 (2019-4-12 13:35):
刚去看了immigration girl

Premium processing petitions that were selected should start receiving email notifications between now and May 20th. The email is only sent to the employer or attorney. If your employer or attorney receives an email notification with a receipt number, that means your case was selected (note that your case still has to go through the adjudication process, selection does not mean approved). Either an approval or a request for additional evidence should be mailed out by June 4th if your case is in premium processing. If approved, an email notification is sent to the employer or attorney, but it does not contain the actual approval. If an RFE, it is usually faxed to the employer or attorney or sent by snail mail.

之前看了两个帖子一直以为pp的这两天收不到email就是凉了 看来还有一段时间让我们慢慢等email?

补充内容 (2019-4-12 23:34):
感觉regular的部队还是比较稀少...地里陆陆续续又出了几个好消息... 都是wac pp的...相信我们的好消息都在路上!!随时回来更新!

补充内容 (2019-4-17 06:34):
发现REG PP的开始出消息了!!reg的小伙伴准备好被receipt砸晕了嘛!!
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