Regular cap 已经够数master cap 还待确定

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USCIS has received a sufficient number of petitions projected as needed to reach the congressionally-mandated 65,000 H-1B visa regular cap for fiscal year 2020. USCIS will next determine if we have received a sufficient number of petitions to meet the 20,000 H-1B visa U.S. advanced degree exemption, known as the master’s cap.

The agency will reject and return filing fees for all unselected cap-subject petitions that are not prohibited multiple filings.

USCIS will continue to accept and process petitions that are otherwise exempt from the cap. Petitions filed for current H-1B workers who have been counted previously against the cap, and who still retain their cap number, are exempt from the FY 2020 H-1B cap.

这意思是还没确定master cap 满没满?是数到了65000 但还没数到85000就下班了?求大佬解释一下!记得去年不是这么表述的。

补充内容 (2019-4-6 12:15):
看了大家的评论感觉最大的可能是已经确定满65000先抽签,抽完之后如果没抽中的master多于20000会再抽master cap, 现在说还没确定是否满足master cap仅仅是因为不确定是否所有的master 申请人都会在第一轮抽签里中签,但其实这是很小概率的事件。

补充内容 (2019-4-6 12:52):
这是去年的表述,供参考 USCIS has reached the congressionally-mandated 65,000 H-1B visa cap for fiscal year 2019. USCIS has also received a sufficient number of H-1B petitions to meet the 20,000 visa U.S. advanced degree exemption, known as the master’s cap.

补充内容 (2019-4-6 22:25):
楼主日常焦虑,来大胆推测一下...... 如果master 申请人数已经超了85000,那么即使在regular cap 的抽签中master申请人占掉所有的65000个名额,还会剩下充足的master 申请人去参加20000个名额的抽签,如果是这样的话USCIS肯定会说regular 和 master cap都满额了,但是现在master cap 是否满额待确定,是不是说明今年 master 申请人数没满 85000? 少于去年的90000?
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