2/25 号北京签证印度大妈check

上一次成都签的,一说出finance这个词就过了;这次在北京签证 隐隐约约就感觉不对,队伍排到一半被导流进一个小屋子里面,看到了一个印度大妈心中默念不要分到她…她一直在发黄条…结果偏偏就是她。




Thank you for your email concerning your nonimmigrant visa application.
Consular officers strive to facilitate travel to the United States for all qualified travelers. Consular officers are also obliged to evaluate objectively the facts and circumstances surrounding each visa application and to judge whether the applicant has met the burden of proof required by law for issuance of a nonimmigrant visa.

In your case, your H1B visa application is undergoing additional administrative processing. This processing cannot be waived, and the final decision on visa issuance can only take place after this process completes. Processing times may vary from individual to individual so we ask applicants to retain some flexibility in their travel plans, if at all possible. We will contact you as soon as the processing completes.

We hope this information is helpful.

连大概多久都没写…哎 真的是心烦啊