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今天早上起来查邮件,看到学校International Graduate Student Services回复的邮件(一个半月前我发邮件请他们帮我向dos查询一下签证状态,一直没有回复),没提及任何反馈信息,直截了当的说由于你签证还没下来了,我决定终止你的SEVIS。原话如下:
I apologize for the delay in this response. I will need to terminate your SEVIS record due to visa issuance delays. We will need to terminate your GRA position and you will need to return any monies you have already been paid. You will also need to withdraw/resign for the semester due to the visa issuance delays and provide a letter of explanation. To keep your student record in good standing you will also need to apply for a Leave of Absence. Here are the links to the two forms:

Once you receive your visa and know your return date for the fall 2019 semester, let me know so we can start the paperwork for a new I-20. Being outside the U.S. for more than 5 months requires a new I-20 and I-901 fee.


楼主查了一下 SEVIS的termination reason,感觉学校没有理由来取消我的SEVIS。我这学期也正常enroll了,也签了RA合同,离开美国也没有满5个月。现在就等着晚上和导师还有小秘联系看一下怎么处理,真的有点崩溃。
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