MSCS @ Columbia University 我的面试题 + 地里面经汇总

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我的五道题....没有一道跟地里已经有的面经一样= = 这运气也是没谁了

1. If you could meet some historical figure, who would you like to meet and why?
2. Tell us why you believe you are prepared for the rigor of our MS program at Columbia?
3. Do you have any internship or work experience? If so what role did it play in your decision to pursue a MS degree?
4. Discuss a time when your integrity was challenged. How did you handle it?
5. Of the 8 standard tracks in the MS program, which are you most interested in and why?

地里目前为止看到的题目 + 归类:

1. 有什么东西(item)是你一直没有但是很想拥有的?

2. research problem 有什么 creative approach?
3. In your research projects or course projects, what made you stand out?

4. MSCS项目对长期职业规划有什么帮助? (我遇到的第5题其实可以套这题答案)
5. Are you looking to start your own company? If so, how do you plan to take advantage of your time in the MS program?

6. group project如果team member不做事怎么处理

7. 有哪些factor让你决定申请这个项目?
8. 为什么想来哥大MSCS项目? (其实感觉这两题也可以扯职业规划)

9. 业余时间喜欢干什么?

10. 最喜欢的CS课程,在这门课程上遇到了什么学术上的挑战

11. 未来想在industry还是academia发展?

12. How do you feel about New York City?

13. How do you know when someone has integrity?
14. integrity对你来说意味着什么?

15. We are very proud of our curriculum; what courses or topics are you excited about?
16. What courses or topics do you want to learn? (跟我遇到的第5题可以一起准备)

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