M.S. Stat @SMU

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大家看到我的三围可能觉得很差很不起眼可以说毫无优势,但是也请不要鄙视校或怀疑学校录取门槛,这也算是我的小梦校吧,很喜欢达拉斯,第一年gap后八个月整个备考申请加video essay的艰辛和努力只有我自己知道。

我起初也不相信自己的真实水平和学校为什么录取我。到底是GSK实习推荐信(老板很nice方方面面都夸的很用力了),还是我第一年真实的申请失败加努力经历,或是video里呈现的我。更不可思议的是视频提交后他们waive了我的托福成绩,此前我没有任何海外学习经历,且考试中我的托福口语只有18分(我是觉得有一点被压低的)。所以关键一点,video essay很重要,有什么问题欢迎问我,我尽量解答!


1.Where do you excel professionally and would love to do as a part of your job?
2.What advice would you give yourself five years ago?
3.Tell us about one of your favorite childhood memories.
4.How would you estimate the revenue generated from ticket sales at the london 2012 Olympics? Take as through your thinking.
5.What do you do with them if your career goals impact your relationships at work?
Use one kind of animal to describe your personality.
6.Why you choose the program and what can we help you in your career?
7.Tell us about one extracurricular activity that you are most excited.
8.Tell us a mistake that you made and how you handled it.
9.What do you believe is your most important attribute that will make you successful in this program?
10.Tell us about a time when you did not achieve a personal goal, and what you learn from that experience.
11.What is unique about you that gives you a competitive edge over other applicants to this program?
12.Tell us about a problem you had, and how you solved it.
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