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有點不知道自己是不是看錯了,也怕理解回信內容,所以想請問一下各位,小弟我是申請TAMU ECE 2019FALL master

在成功activate netId,後,我發現我的AIS系統有顯示很多未成功上傳到文件或是推薦信(在申請時用EngineeringCAS 是都已經確認完成的),


然後系統今天回信給我,但回我的信好像不是回復我問的問題,反而好像是decision letter, 因此想請問看看應該是正式錄取的信吧....還是我理解又錯了...


Congratulations! It is my pleasure to inform you of your admission to Texas A&M University for the Fall 2019 semester to pursue a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. Texas A&M’s more than 3400 graduate faculty include winners of the Nobel Prize, Wolf Prize, Pulitzer Prize, National Medal of Science, and members of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine. Classified by The Carnegie Foundation as a "Doctoral/Research University-Extensive," Texas A&M consistently ranks in the top tier in research expenditures, with more than $890 million.
While this is your official admission letter, you may receive a separate letter directly from your program. With approval from the admitting program, admission to graduate studies remains valid for one year from the term of acceptance; however, if it is necessary to defer your admission, we ask that you make this request before the start of the Fall semester. For answers to any questions concerning your course of study, please contact the graduate advisor in your program.
Please check the Applicant Information System (AIS) via howdy.tamu.edu for any items needed to complete your application for admission. The Office of Admissions must receive all official transcripts (including those needed to replace uploaded transcripts) before you will be allowed to register for any classes for your first semester. Diplomas may be submitted during your first semester of enrollment.