USC ee 457 placement exam经历

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今天去考了这个,如果过的话就可以选别的课,关键是现在USC EE CS学生很多容易选不到好课。之前准备这个考试的时候网上各种查不到别人的经验,所以我就来写一个让以后要考的人心里有个底。457 computer system organization有用是挺有用的但是我对554 [align="left"]real-time computer system非常感兴趣 且想转CS所以想尽快这个学期就修掉554 可是需要457的prerequisite 所以想考考看。[/align]
[align="left"]考纲USC EE网上有,但是与考题比起来感觉不是很全,不过基本是考纲涉及的几个面。考题是50道单选题1个小时完成 分成5 6大类 大类有点记不清了 大概有 各种数字电路原理;计算机结构; 内存和缓存(地址的block结构什么的); pipeline ;multiprocessor;大概就是这几个类别吧,题目难是不难都是基础知识,关键看你知道不知道,最好把考纲上推荐的那本教材通读一下,尤其是那些涉及以上几个类别的东西的原理记住,琐碎的东西不用记。[/align]
[align="left"]EE457: Computer Systems Organization[/align][align="left"]
  • Computer Organization & Design - The Hardware and Software Interface (2nd edition) by D. A. Patterson (Berkeley) and J. L. Hennessey (Stanford)

[align="left"]Brief Syllabus[/align]
  • EE102L review: Basic digital system design -- Datapath unit design and Control unit design
  • Basic concepts of assembly language, unsigned and signed numbers, Booth's multiplication and restoring and non-restoring division algorithms.
  • CPU performance: relation between execution time of a program and the CPU specs (instruction count, clocks per instruction, and clock period).
  • Compare and contrast CISC and RISC instruction sets, simple ALU design, CLA (carry look-ahead adder), CSA (carry save adder) and application to multiplication.
  • CPU design: Single cycle CPU design, multi-cycle CPU design, pipelined CPU design including dependencies, hazard detection, stalling, forwarding, branching, flushing, branch penalty due to flushing, branch delay slots.
  • Memory and cache organization: fully associative, direct, and set associative mappings, cache TAG RAMs, and cache DATA RAMs, interleaved main memory to facilitate fast block transfer between main memory.
  • Virtual memory: page tables (single-level, multi-level), TLBs, introduction to multiprocessors, cache coherency (MESI protocol).

[align="left"]地址[/align][align="left"]教科书一定要是第六版的 否则没有multiprocessor的内容[/align]
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