1st USC MFE 求问算不算offer

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今天早上收到USC的status update,让我提交bank statement和passport copy才给我发official offer。有朋友是这个情况吗?我看了一下以往的同学是没有decision的,跟我的letter内容不太一样。Letter 具体内容如下:
[align="left"]We are pleased to inform you that you are academically eligible for admission to the Fall 2019 semester as a graduate student majoring in Financial Engineering leading to a Master of Science.[/align][align="left"]To receive your official offer of admission, you must first demonstrate proof of the ability to pay tuition and living expenses for yourself and, if applicable, your spouse and/or any children intending to travel with you to USC for the duration of your coursework.[/align]请问这是算是要我了吗?是需要提供能够支付学费的证明才会下发正式offer的意思吗?

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