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1. What experiences have led to your interest in the master's program at Cornell Tech?
2. Given what you know about Cornell Tech, what is one thing you will not be able to get at another school you're applying to?
3. What are your professional plans upon completing your Cornell Tech degree? (please be as specific as possible - e.g., if you're planning on starting a company or joining an existing one, please describe your aspirations)
4. Describe an experience in which someone from a different field taught you something new about yourself and your work?
5. Thinking about the last time you had to work on a team, what did you enjoy the most about that experience and what did you enjoy the least?
6. Can you give an example of a time when you flat out failed at something (not a story of "the going got tough, but I eventually triumphed")? - this is getting at their internal locus of control/humility

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