麻省大学amherst 分校Nano/Bio Interface Lab招生

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麻省大学Amherst分校平惊雷教授的Nano/Bio Interface Lab现欢迎理工科背景有志于获得博士学位的同学于2019年秋季加入。
平惊雷教授实验室的兴趣在于结合纳米材料、纳米器件制备、生物电子学和生物工程,开发新一代的微型传感技术用以解决早期诊断和环境保护的重要问题。实验室位于新建的应用生命科学技术研究所(Institute for Applied Life Sciences),拥有世界顶级的研究设备和资源。
感兴趣的同学请务必于2019年1月1日之前在UMass Amherst的招生网站上(umass.edu)将申请材料发送。同时,请尽快联系平惊雷教授(1point3acres.com)以保证材料审阅进度。

Type of Research Position
; Graduate RA at the PhD level
Description of Research Projects
We are an energetic lab focusing on development of miniaturized devices and systems based on nanomaterials for biosensing applications. For example, we have built a smartphone-based biosensor based on graphene, a one-atom-layer carbon-based material, for detection of a single-mismatched in DNA sequences, which holds great potential to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of next-generation drug development by orders of magnitude. Our research entails interdisciplinary approaches involving scientists, engineers, and physicians working together to solve high impact problems in point-of-care diagnostics, drug testing, healthcare, and environmental monitoring.
Interdisciplinary: Our high-interdisciplinary lab is working at the intersection of materials sciences, biomolecular chemistry, nano-manufacturing, electrical engineering, and biomedical engineering.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities: We have the long-term goal of industrializing and commercializing nano-based biosensors we will be developing. We closely interact with startup/established companies in healthcare and environmental technologies.
Desired Qualifications and/or Background
Students with a background in any STEM field (mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, physics, chemistry…)—whoever interested in sciences/technologies about novel nanomaterials and miniaturized biosensors—are welcome. Get in touch!
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