PhD positions in Human-Centered Computing @Clemson University

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Prof. Guo Freeman in the School of Computing at Clemson University is looking for PhD students in Human-Centered Computing starting Fall 2019. RA/TA available.

Professor Freeman’s research focuses on social computing, human-computer interaction, and computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW). More information:

She leads the Gaming and Mediated Experience Lab (CUGAME) at Clemson University. The CUGAME Lab uses a human-centered approach to investigate mediated experience and social dynamics forged surrounding technological objects and collaborative systems including multiplayer online games, eSports, live streaming, VR/AR, social media, IoT, telemedicine, and smart city. We are especially interested in technology-mediated communication and participation in various contexts (e.g., entertainment, education, workplace, design, criminal justice, and healthcare), computer-mediated interpersonal relationships and group behaviors, digital creativity, and collective innovation.

Self-motivated students with background in Computer Science, Information Science, Human-Computer Interaction or other related areas are welcome to apply. Other desired qualifications include excellent communication and writing skills and knowledge about both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
If you are interested in working with Prof. Freeman, please send your CV, unofficial transcript, and English publications/writing samples to
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