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PS. 因为是HCI方向,教授有问我要Portfolio,其他方向的同学感觉做个简单的个人网站也会加分不少,当然也可以直接略过,完全没有影响。下面是教授直接邮件发给我的原文。

Materials to send to XXX(教授名字)

1. the best thing you can send me is a website link that contains everything, if you don’t have one, send me the info below: (2) CV and (3) portfolio.
2. send me a CV that includes the following:
- where you are studying (and what course/degree is that)
- who shall I ask for letters of recommendation?
- what are the technical skills you have:
- programming in which languages? hardware?
3. send me a portfolio (e.g., images or videos, synopsis of the projects you are most proud of — videos are preferred if you have).
4. have you published papers? Send me all your papers (write me a small summary of what you did for each paper, e.g., did you write it entirely or just a section, did you code the framework, etc).

6 Deeper questions for you

1. Why do you want a PhD? Why not an industry Job (e.g., Google) where you get twice the salary of a PhD student?
2. Who have you applied to (which supervisors and which schools)? Why have you applied for a PhD with them and how did that go?
3. Read my work and watch my youtube videos. Now tell me what do you think is the coolest, most innovative, ground-breaking idea you could do with electrical muscle stimulation? Describe it in one paragraph and feel free to attach a sketch so I can understand it better.
4. Look at the field of Human Computer Interaction right now (a quick way to understand it is to skim through the proceedings of the last XXX and XXX, or watch the 30-s video previews of XXX or XXX). Now, what do you think is the vision you have for this field? Where would you like to take it? Where has it not been before?
5. Now on a more pragmatic level, which would be your first topic of interest to brainstorm with me? What would be the first prototype you would like to build? (be concrete, what does that prototype do, what does it look like, how do we implement it?)
6. Who are your heroes:
- In the field of HCI (if you have some, for inspiration check this page)? (choose at least 1-3)
- In art world? (choose at least 1-2)
- In anything else: engineering, science, spiritual guidance, philosophy, etc. (choose 0-2)

这是一个非常forward的教授。。。甚至会直接问我的推荐人我怎么样。。。所以上面有的内容可以忽略。。。一般没有教授会这么做吧2333 认识的PhD学长也告诉我这个老师提的问题太难了。。。我觉得也是。。。不过这些问题都能完美回答地话,面试一般也就不错了吧!

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